

[Resolved] Recent Visitor for BuddyPress Profile – styling issues

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #9848

    Hi Thorsten,
    My apologies for the delayed reply. We are a little bit slow on the weekend.

    1. For translating “photo”, please allow me to push a release of MediaPress this week

    2, 3. I have been thinking and I have got two choices. Either I should put an update quickly(today) or should I add an admin panel first to give better controls(for settings). This plugin desperately needs an
    admin panel. First option will be quick and will work fine for now. What do you suggest?

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #9852

    Hello Brajesh!

    It’s no problem for me if you work hard and have sometimes time issues. But it would be great to keep your commitment of the past. If you say to finish a work in 3 days and after 6 days the work is still open, this makes me confusing. Better say you need 10 days and after a week you come back with good news to me. Understand me? Thanks!

    To point 1, will wait and be happy to get the release soon.
    To point 2, 3 how long do you need to add an admin panel? I prefer this version. Two weeks?

    Best to you,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #9860

    Hi Thorsten,
    Thank you.

    I will keep that in mind when promising any update.

    MediaPress will come this week.

    Going for the update without admin option will take 1 day. going for an update with admin option will need proper planning and I can only commit by the end of next week.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #9867

    Ok fine. You’ve time to do the job. No problem for me. Do it calm but great 😉

    Thank you!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #9888

    Thank you 🙂

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10036

    Hi Thorsten,
    Please upgrade to 1.5.0
    It adds a complete admin panel for the plugin and will allow you to take control of everything.

    I have tested it and it is working fine for me, if you notice any issue, please do let me know.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #10045

    Hi Brajesh!
    First of all thank you. You made a backend mode, nice. But two questions:

    1) Why do you move the recente visitors avatars to the profile header? There is few space. The area before was much better, see screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/tPMY2NQJINH

    2) This setting is standard “Mutual: Only record when Both the visiting and visitors settings are on.” and I couldn’t find it for a user, so I switched to “Always: Always record based on the setting of the profile being visited. Do not check for visitors settings.” – very tricky!!

    Enlightenment for me?

    Kindest regards,

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #10046

    Hi Brajesh!

    there is a radio button error on the backend mode. After turning on “Enable local notification?” and “Email Notification?”, you cannot turn them off. After saving the radio buttons switched back to on.

    Found out that you have to save each entry, then it works 🙁

    Found out that backswitching to “Mutual: Only record when Both the visiting and visitors settings are on.” doesn’t work after saving.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #10049

    Hi Thorsten,
    My apologies for the confusion

    1. Please use the option to display in the Header meta to have it back as earlier. Aa I had promised earlier( That the change on your site will be part of the plugin, It is part of the plugin now and can be enabled, but we have kept the default to the old one to avoid any issue for other members)

    2. Mutual:- It will only record when both the users have settings enabled. It was there earlier too(but not visible). These two policies have been part of the plugin for long, it was not visible earlier, Now it is visible to the site admins.

    3. You are right for notification, we don’t have a third option. We will have one today to disable.

    4. “Found out that you have to save each entry, then it works”, Do you mean doing it from user profile?

    5. Mutual is a little bit tricky mode:- To get it work, both users should have the profile visits settings on. Currently, you can set the default settings on/off but a user can override it.

    Can you please check again for the point 5 and see if it is not working as expected?

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 108
    Thorsten Wollenhöfer on #10086

    Hello Brajesh,
    Now I will come back to the issues and your solutions.

    1. I switched back to display in Header. But as I translated your plugin and read “Please enable it if the listing is breaking your layout.” I interpreted this completly different because my layout wasn’t broken. It would be better to inform where the avatars of recent visitors should be placed, maybe “left under your avatar” or “within the header under your cover photo”.

    2. Ok understand it now but didn’t know first where to change this.

    3. Ok

    4. No. On backend mode an admin can choose each entry for radio buttons. But if I change more than one radio button and click save nthing changed. I have to change one radio button and have to save it. After this I can change another radio button.

    5. It doesn’t matter what I choose because a user has the right to change it all the time? So the seeting says if I basically want to show recent visitors or not at first time. Am I right?

    One more point, 6. I’m not sure what sense of “Disable for roles?” and “Exclude roles from being recorded?” is. When I deactivate a role does it still record the deactivated role? And the other way around if I stop recording why should it still visible for a non deactivated role?

    Kindest regards,

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