

Recent Visitor Plugin – Notification possibility?

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    Stefan on #52197

    *as to my 2nd point:

    I just realized there are 2 plugin settings already inside the “Notification Preferences” tab:

    – “Recieve Notification on new profile visits?” +
    – “Recieve Notification on new profile visits by email?”

    So it would make even more sense to add the “Show My Profile Visits” (Please note, If you enable the visitors recording, your visits to others profile will be visible too. ) option from the “Recent Visits” tab to those above (to save a tab and also to have all user options together in one place)

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52206

    Hi Stefan,
    Thank you for using the plugin.

    1. The notifications are already there and will be visible as you have expected. Please ensure that there are some notifications for the logged user.

    2. The “Show My Profile Visits” is not directly related to notification. It is about displaying of the user in the visitors list. It is more of a privacy setting than the notification and that’s why we have kept it as different place. Though I don’t see any harm in providing site admins the option to determine where they want it to appear in our future version.

    I hope that helps.


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    Stefan on #52216

    Hi Brajesh,
    thanks again for your reply 🙂

    1. I just checked again, and there are no notifications when a user visits another users profile. I tried with several users and visited others but no one gets a notification displayed in their

    a: notification dropdown or
    b: on their notification page.

    I turned on the “Recieve Notification on new profile visits?” preference but still no notifications get shown.

    I would like a user to see a notification when another user visited his profile in the menu notification dropdown (the icon bell in the header with notifications that also shows when a user has received messages, comments, likes, etc.). Currently nothing gets displayed as notification in it. The notification could read something like “XYZ has visited your profile”.
    If it does already according to the plugin then something is not working properly perhaps due to one of the latest BuddyBoss updates?

    2. The reason why I want to show the “Show My Profile Visits” under the “Notification Preferences” tab is because the plugin already creates 2 entries there for Recent Visits. I would just like to make the “Account Settings” section as clean with as few tabs as possible. That is why it would be great to keep the entries together in the same notifiaction tab. If you could put them together/merge them that would amazing.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52223

    Hi Stefan,
    1. For notification, It seems a setting issue. We add the following in the notification drop down

    You have {number} new visits


    {display name} visited your profile

    The tokens represent dynamic value. The first version is used is there are more than 1 visitor notification.

    Please review settings or disable user preference from admin settings to test it. I haven’t tested with latest BuddyBoss update. We will do it tomorrow and share the feedback too.

    2. We do hope to do that though I personally don’t feel that notifications page is the right place for it.


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    Stefan on #52226

    Thanks for the reply Brajesh,

    my aplogies. I found the correct setting “set-up” inside the plugins admin options.
    I can now see the notifications inside the menu dropdown as well as on the notification page, so you dont need to check that anymore. Thats great!

    However, I just realized that the notification is turned off out of the box. To be clear, when I check users “Account Settings” – “Notification Preferences” then recent visits notification is always off. Users need to manually turn them on first.

    Is there any way to have it on from the start?

    One possible solution: Would be great to have this setting in “BuddyBoss” – “Settings” – “Notifications” and then under the notification type, admin can pre-select/turn off or on several notification settings for users right from the start. This way admin can already set it to on from the start. (It is the same section where admin can also pre-select to turn on/off email/web or app notification for messages, comments etc.)
    Otherwise I need to inform each user to do it manually which is not the preferred way.

    Is it possible to add it to the “BuddyBoss” – “Settings” – “Notifications” – “Notification type” section?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52230

    Hi Stefan,
    Thank you.

    About default notification, we are going to add it in our next update for sure.
    It may take us 2-3 weeks to release it though.

    Thank you

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    Stefan on #52466

    Hi Brajesh,

    I can imagine you guys at BuddyDev are very busy so I am just checking in to see if you have already started the default notification changes for the “Recent Visitor Plugin”.

    You mentioned in your last post that it would take you 2-3 weeks to release, so I am just checking 😉

    By the way, I noticed that some activities, such as messages sent have a small icon next to the avatar in the BuddyBoss notification dropdown (not sure if BuddyPress does the same).
    Is it possible to add a small icon for the recent visitor notifications, too?

    Thanks again 😉

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #52501

    Hi Stefan,
    I am sorry for the delayed reply.

    The solution of the default notification is already there. I had forgotten about it.

    Please visit Dashboard->Settings-> Recent Profile Visitors and click on “Default”. There you can set the default preference for users.

    For the icon, Please share me an example of notification with icon(screenshot) to help me understand it correctly.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Stefan on #52507

    Hello Brajesh,

    seems we misunderstood each other 😉

    I was talking about adding the “Recent Visitor” notification as a default notification in the Admin backend Notification panel of BuddyBoss, alongside other Notification Types such as “Mentions”, “Posts”, “Activity Feeds”, etc.
    (BuddyBoss – Settings – Notification Types)

    Regarding the small icon, how can I share screenshots? (I cannot attach them here)
    If a user sends, e.g. a message to another user, that user receives a notification. If that user then opens the quick notification panel from the top menu bar then he can see his/her last few notifications.
    Each notification shows the user avatar the specific notification is from. Some BB activities such as messages show a small icon next to the avatar.

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