Tagged: rename buddypress nav irems
Hi Lavis,
You can do that easily using any translation tool. I will recommend using Poedit and translating the string.Hope that helps.
BrajeshHello Brajesh,
Thank you for the quick reply. I have always used translations files. unfortunately it’s just now that it is not working.
May be because I have po / mo files from BP 2.1 and it is now BP 2.6. So may be I need to use new po file and do that long hectic work all over again (I have too many translations). Isn’t there a way to copy my existing translations from old to new file?
Thank you again
I tried with the latest pot file from BP 2.6 (latest) and translated all occurrences of ‘Friends’ and ‘Groups’ but it is still not working. My buddypress-en_US.mo had been saved in wp-content/languages/ and had always worked.
In fact all other translations other than profile nav items are still working with my old mo file (from BP 2.1).
I also tried changing the language in WordPress settings, still no avail.
Following code worked for me
‘function bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs() {
buddypress()->members->nav->edit_nav( array( ‘name’ => __( ‘Connections’, ‘textdomain’ ) ), ‘connections’ );
buddypress()->members->nav->edit_nav( array( ‘name’ => __( ‘Clubs’, ‘textdomain’ ) ), ‘clubs’ );}
add_action( ‘bp_actions’, ‘bpcodex_rename_profile_tabs’ );’reference – https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/navigation-api/ & https://buddypress.org/support/topic/rename-buddypress-profile-nav-items/
Thank you!
Hi Lavis,
That is another approach for navigation but using po/mo is still preferred way. If it is not working, Please create a bug report on BuddyPress trac.Hello @sbrajesh
Is there a way to change the sub slugs too? What I mean is, for example club settings (manage >> settings) has a URL –
I expect this to become
Thank you
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- This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
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