

Should BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro work with the new BuddyBoss App?

  • Participant
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    Paul Henderson on #37405

    I have been using BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro with BuddyBoss Platform on the web. It works fine to insert new tabs into the user profile.

    However, now that I’m also using the mobile BuddyBoss App with my website, the tabs inserted with Tabs Creator Pro either don’t appear or don’t work.

    Before I attempt do debug this further, do you know if the Tabs Create works or should work with BuddyBoss App?

  • Participant
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    Paul Henderson on #37406


  • Participant
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    Anu Sharma on #37411

    Hi Paul Henderson,

    Thank you for using the plugin.
    The plugin adds normal BuddyBoss profile tabs.
    We don’t have BuddyBoss App, for this compatibility please contact to BuddyBoss support team and ask if 3rd party profile tabs(components) will work with the app?

    If they need us to make any change, Please let me know.


  • Participant
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    Paul Johnston on #37492

    I’m also using Buddyboss app but with the Group Tabs plugin. Custom group tabs also do not show in the app.

    I’m in contact with Buddyboss to get support but I wanted to add to this thread to say there’s another customer of yours with same issue.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #37493

    Hi Paul,
    Thank you for letting us know.

    Please let us know what the suggest to change and make it compatible. We will be glad to add that.


  • Participant
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    Paul Johnston on #38321


    I haven’t had any support from Buddyboss on this issue so far – probably it is a limitation their side. They do have new developer documentation here:


    Maybe you can make a new groups plugin for their app (would pay!!!).

    Best regards,


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #38340

    Hi Paul,
    Thank you.

    I do see they have an endpoint for retrieving the details

    But it is not showing the output or the code needed to add extra tabs.

    I will need access to their plugin(I guess it is BuddyBoss App plugin) to see how the tab details are generated. Is that plugin available as opensource? I am unable to find it on their github profile?

    If not, can you please ask their support again on the code needed to append extra tabs?


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