

Upload image to post…..error message: uploads directory is not writable

  • Participant
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    Posts: 36
    Mike on #36327

    Hello Ravi,

    Based on the last message you sent me:

    Add pic to a post an error message pops up uploads directory is not writable.

    I did health check…https://wordpress.org/plugins/health-check/….everything is working fine on that end.
    If an image is uploaded to gallery…then you right click on image and get image link…then paste link
    to post (add image url)…that works fine too. But not all subscribers are going to get how to do it this way.

    I contacted my Server Provider for assisting on this…they said everything on their end is working fine.

    Uploading to galleries is perfectly fine..issue just adding image to post by upload file.

    Please assist as soon as you can, I’m getting alot of complaints by subscribers.

    Thanks as always!!


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    Mike on #36335
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    Mike on #36338
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #36348

    Hi Mike,
    Please use only one of the Activity Plus or MediaPress and then let us know if the upload issue and buttons problems are there.

    They are not created to work together. They are there to serve different needs and using them together may cause issue.


  • Participant
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    Mike on #36351

    I need mediapress for the galleries…

    mediapress is anyway to add a link button for posts?

    activity plus has it…

  • Participant
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    Mike on #36352

    I need mediapress for the galleries…

    mediapress is anyway to add a link button for posts?

    activity plus has it…

    I need link button for subscribers to add articles to posts..

    Thank you for your assistance!

  • Participant
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    Mike on #36361
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #36374

    Hi Mike,
    I am sorry, we don’t have any way to add Link in MediaPress at the moment.


  • Participant
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    Mike OConnor on #41784

    Is there a shortcode available that we can use to display the content that we posted with activity plus? Our IT person took down the mediapress for now, but I would like to be able to switch to that without losing previous content.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #41790

    Hi Mike,
    Please upgrade to 1.0.8 and then put this code in bp-custom.php

     * Disable upload form for the BuddyPress Activity Plus Reloaded
    add_filter( 'bpapr_localizable_data', function ( $data ) {
    	$data['show_upload_buttons'] = 0;
    	return $data;
    } );

    That will disable the upload form for activity plus.
    Now, you can keep both MediaPress and Activity Plus Reloaded.


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