

User Profile Visibility Manager blocking clickthrough to Member Profile

  • Participant
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    Mark Winstein on #41675

    If I have User Profile Visibility Manager enabled and full access is allowed for a Member, other Members can’t click through to see the original Member’s profile. When User Profile Visibility Manager is disabled, other Members can click through to original Member’s profiles just fine.

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    Ravi on #41676

    Hello Mark,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. By click, do you mean other users are not able to access his/her profile or do nothing happens when other users click his/her profile link?.


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    Mark Winstein on #41782

    Hi Ravi,

    Here is video showing the issue:


    Thank you very much!


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
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    Brajesh Singh on #41793

    HI Mark,
    Thank you for the video. It was very helpful.

    I can see the issue. Here is the reason:-

    1. “Groups” is set as the default component(landing page) for a user. When you click on a user’s profile, you are see the groups as the default tab.

    2. The My Groups is set to “Only Me” for the user.

    That means, if you access your site.com/members/username/profile, this will be visible but the link site.com/members/username/ will not be visible as it defaults to my group.


    Please either change the privacy for “My Groups” or change the Landing tab from Groups to profile.

    Hope that helps.


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    Mark Winstein on #41795

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you!! That worked like a charm.

    But now we have just a very boring profile view (see image: https://www.loom.com/i/1cf74bc251d7456ebb9cb65e95f2ccec).

    What can I do to make the info displayed on the Profile tabs look cool and include more info? Perhaps you recall, I was hoping to include the WordPress backing Biographical Info field as something editable. But this profile is soooo boring looking lol!!

    I want anybody who clicks on a profile to be able see something great, like a slimmed down LinkedIn profile with spots for interesting info and a nice layout.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24844
    Brajesh Singh on #41798

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you for confirming the solution.

    The problem with profile is lack of data on the profile.

    I am sorry, I could not help you with the xprofile data sync earlier. I will post the code and link today.


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    Mark Winstein on #41826

    Thank you, Brajesh.

    Back to the original issue of pulling 404 errors on a persons profile page, I can also see that if I set the Profile to the first tab and someone hides their profile, we would again have the same issue – a direct URL referral to that person’s profile would redirect to a 404 page.

    Is there a way to gracefully handle 404 errors relating to any profile blocks? I would like to choose a live page for blocked profile errors. Is there a code snippet I could use for that?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24844
    Brajesh Singh on #41841

    Hi Mark,
    Are you referring to

    Who Can See your profile?

    This option blocks all pages of the user. It is not the user/profile page.

    You can set a redirection policy(and fallback) in the Dashboard->settings->BP Profile Visibility Manager page.


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