

XProfile Field Shortcode

  • Participant
    Leo Will on #46102

    Hi, I am new here and really need help.

    Can someone kindly help me with a short code that display a perticular profile field of the displayed member.

    I want to use the short code with buddybuilder.

    Please also include an explaination for multi selected field(Json string data type) and for displaying age instead of date of birth.

    Also please explain to me how I can identify each of the profile field in the database, so that I can be able to select the one I want.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #46106

    Hi Leo,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.
    1. you may install our shortcode plugin from here

    and use the shortcode

    [bpsc-profile-data field="field Name or ID" context="display"]

    For a list of available otpions please see

    It has the options to allow you wrap values of multi valued fields.
    You can use either Field Name or id in the field option.

    You can see the field id by visiting Dashboard->Users->profile Fields and editing a field. it is shown in the url.


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