

Xprofile Tag field

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    Christopher Daw on #41196

    What I mean is it would be nice to be able to choose a tag when posting an activity that correlated to the relevant members but it’s basically the same thing as having tags automatically join a member to a group because then you would choose the group when posting.
    If the intention is to add tags to the Auto Join Groups plugin that will be perfect.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 11
    Christopher Daw on #41264

    The correlation is just to have certain people notified without adding them to a group.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #41277

    Hi Christopher,
    Thank you.

    I understand the need but that is beyond the scope of xprofile custom fields plugins.


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