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    Alex on #52874

    Ok, thanks to GPT I made it work for the multiline xprofile field as well.
    But again, I still have the problem that all lists were moved to one line after saving. See screenshots.
    After saving

    Editor Source view

    What do I need to do to avoid this?

    • This reply was modified 39 minutes ago by Alex.
    • This reply was modified 39 minutes ago by Alex.
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    Alex on #52873

    Thanks Brajesh,
    I would not have such a problem if WordPress would use the latest tinymce one but instead integrates tinymce 4.9 which is very old.

    I am using the biography field already. This is currently the only solution to me using the cdn-tinymce version 7 – with the problem that it changes bullet lists to words line by line separated by an <br> on the profile view page. The edit page looks fine.

    Furthermore I only can use it on the biography field with this code:

    function antipole_remove_rich_text() {
    return false;
    add_filter(‘bp_xprofile_is_richtext_enabled_for_field’, ‘antipole_remove_rich_text’);

    Another solution might be use it on the rich multiline textarea as you wrote.
    BUT with using the above code I am only able to integrate tinymce 7 cloud on the biography field and not on the multiline xfield.
    Without the code I cannot load it either on the bio nor on the multiline text field.

    Do you have a solution to make it running on the multiline-textarea field? I would need to get rid of the integrated one and then load the cloud one.

    Otherwise I only can prevent buddypress from changing the bullet lists on biography profile view page where I also have no idea how to.

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    Alex on #52816

    I switched the value field from longtext to varchar at the xprofile data field in MySQL. Then it cuts off everything which is longer than the given limit no matter JS is switched on or not.

    Is this the way to go? I mean you are more into buddypress than me. If this change leads to other problems than plz tell me.

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    Alex on #52815

    Maybe we have a misunderstanding.
    Have a look at this:

    In the buddypress core there are code to put out a shorter version of tinymce with less items at the toolbar.
    Check class-bp-xprofile-field-type-textarea.php
    Anyway, I could also use the wordpress bio field which is a multiline textfield only without the editor.

    Meanwhile I found a solution for the tinymce editor which is javascript driven unfortunately. This means a user can switch it off, then has the normal textfield back and can write thousands of words and crash the layout.

    So let me ask again, is there any PHP solution for this texfield (multi-line text box or bio textfield) to limit the characters which beeing saved?

    Regards Alex

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    Alex on #52617

    Any ideas to solve this issue? List all users but not in alphabetical order…

  • Participant
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    Alex on #52327

    Sorry, to ask once more.
    No way to add some code wich is like “bypass submit for a field which is required and hidden”?

    I saw conditional logic like that at the register pages from Gravity forms which sync to Buddypress xfields but to get this plugin just for that feature is beyond my budget.

  • Participant
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    Alex on #52200

    Thanks for providing a workaround and letting me/us know that this i a WordPress issue.