Disregard that last request. I found your shortcodes documentation and figured it out. Thanks for your help.
Thanks that appears to help provide a page for creating a gallery. Can I show those galleries separate from the buddypress galleries? I’ve not figured out how to do that yet. Not sure if possible.
Guess I’m not understanding the context for sitewide gallery. I am now able to get page to display all galleries that have been created by members on their respective profiles and within groups. Is that the limit of what is posible?
So I’m now trying to get sitewide galleries going.
In General Settings:
Enable Galleries for Sitewide Gallerys is checked on.In Sitewide Gallery Settings:
Enable Gallery Archive is checked Yes
Gallery Archive Slug is left to default of site-galleries
Gallery permalink Slug is left to default of site-gallery
Enabled Media/Gallery Types is set to select allI try accessing the page
and get back : Oops! That page can’t be found.So what now.
A question about functionality of said gallery. I was expecting to be able to add a gallery from the membersgallery page didn’t see the ability to do that. Are the galleries that are shown derived from each member’s public galleries alone?
Thanks, that worked, though I fail to understand why bp-attachments worked fine in this regard and mediapress did not.