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    Graham on in reply to: BuddyPress Message Privacy help #9901

    Hi D W,

    It’s called nicename in the database itself, but I think some programs may call it nickname to make it more understandable to users.

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    Graham on in reply to: BuddyPress Message Privacy help #9898

    Didn’t know there was a compatibility mode!

    I don’t profess to know much about how things actually work at the grass root level. Having the option to choose nicename or login sounds like a great idea to me.

    I assume either would pick up whether a user is blocked?

    Please keep me informed, because the ability to block someone from messaging them is something I really need for my site.

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    Graham on in reply to: BuddyPress Message Privacy help #9895

    I am looking at buying the “BuddyPress Message Privacy” plugin and saw this thread first.

    There are 3 user names used in WP (and therefore BP):

    1. user_login: Not visible to other users

    2. user_nicename: Visible to users, but can be changed with a plugin or manually in phpmyadmin

    3. display_name: What the user sets as the name to be shown to other users.

    The user_login name is never displayed to other users, as that would be a security issue.

    Are you saying your plugin ONLY uses the user_login name? If so, then can it be configured to use user_nicename instead?

    If not, then the plugin would not be suitable for me.