


  • Member
    deleted on #41036

    Notifications are sent out for a variety of reasons such as: someone commented on the user’s post, someone posted in a group the user has joined, someone posted to the user’s timeline, someone tagged the user, etc. Our users get the notification but cannot see the activity while it’s in moderation. This is a serious issue considering it makes our platform seem broken to our users when notifications are being clicked on real-time but our moderation needs time to review it so notifications appear to be sent for nothing.

    We don’t want to remove notifications, but we need to them to be dependent on the moderation outcome. If a moderator approves it, then the notification is sent; if a moderator rejects it, then the notification is not sent. This should apply to both local and email notifications. I have a hard time understanding how moderation can be of any use if it means notifications are sent to users before they can even see it, especially when some of those notifications are for activity that was rejected in moderation.

  • Member
    deleted on #24350

    Thanks for answering.

    I tried two different codes that I tried to modify, see:

    function function1( $stop_notification ) {
    	if ( bp_has_member_type( bp_displayed_user_id(), 'student' ) ) {
    		$stop_notification = true;
    	return $stop_notification;
    add_filter( 'bp_local_group_notifier_skip_notification', 'function1' );

    With this function I expected users with member type “students” not to generate notifications when posting something but this is not working.

    function function2( $stop_notification ) {
    	$member_type = bp_get_member_type( bp_displayed_user_id() );
    	if ( 'student' !== $member_type ) {
    		$stop_notification = true;
    	return $stop_notification;
    add_filter( 'bp_local_group_notifier_skip_notification', 'function2' );

    This second also did not work. And she removed the notification for any users, even teachers were not generating notifications. I tried to change the !== to === but it didn’t work either.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by deleted.
  • Member
    deleted on #23266

    Hi, any news about the plugin?

  • Member
    deleted on #23137

    I be waiting for this

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by deleted.
  • Member
    deleted on #22832

    I have already done this, thank you anyway

  • Member
    deleted on #22826

    group join activity updates

    i’m using yours plugin for group activities https://buddydev.com/plugins/bp-group-activities-notifier/

    but even without he the notifications still showing

    This is the notification I want to remove from the public group
    It only appears on the activity page, it is not sent to users



  • Member
    deleted on #22825

    thank you for your support!
    Actually I had not realized that who was redirecting was woocommerce, so I used this function that I found to redirect using a woo hook itself.
    It worked very well!

    function wc_custom_user_redirect( $redirect, $user ) {
    $role = $user->roles[0];
    $dashboard = admin_url();
    if( $role == 'administrator' ) {
        //Redirect administrators to the dashboard
        $redirect = $dashboard;
    } else {
        //Redirect any other role to the previous visited page or, if not available, to the home
        $redirect = wp_get_referer() ? wp_get_referer() : home_url();
    return $redirect;


  • Member
    deleted on #20249

    Many thanks, this snippet works great.


  • Member
    deleted on #4620

    Hello Brajesh,

    This update did exactly what I was looking for, so thank you! The extra adminbar nav tabs are now aligned the way I want.

