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    doog2229 on in reply to: [Resolved] Strange behaviour in empty post form #45052


    Ok thanks so lot


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    doog2229 on in reply to: [Resolved] Strange behaviour in empty post form #45041


    Yes i’m using the plugin of wordpress.org

    it’s difficult for me to give an access on our server for your team

    how can resolve with you this problem ?


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    Good news, i can use your plugin in my website

    I retest again mediapress with our plugins and theme and i managed to make it work with your plugin

    My problem was the override of post-form.php. I delete this override in my server and it does works for the upload of media in stream activity

    With the functions of your plugin i can retrieve the media attached of activity for the notification mail

    Too bad I can’t add rich editor as tiny MCE with your plugin. Perhaps later 🙂

    i have another question. i will post another question in a new topic


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    I test again with a last version of astra theme and the upload doesn’t works. I can’t see my image in a flow of activity

    For my test, i upload an image with your plugin. I can see in your code the php file that realize the treatment. It’s grid-photo.php.

    I put a debug backtrace in this file but i can see my debug trace. This file is not loading in my process

    I did not see so much problem with this plugin. unfortunately I will use another media plugin

    if you ever have a solution do not hesitate to come back to me

    thanks so lot for your support

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    I test an upload file in activity without Activity filter plugin by Wbcom without results.

    But i can see an upgrade for astra theme. In my website i have a 3.7.9 version. In repository WP i can see a new version of astra 3.7.10

    What version of astra use for your test please ?

    Thanks so lot

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    Thanks so lot for your reply.

    It’s very strange. I’m testing with default form of buddypress and it doesn’t works and i don’t understand why

    I don’t use a specific js for send the activity update

    Here my configuration of my website :

    // Generated by the MediaPress Debug tool //
    Multisite:                No
    WordPress Version:        5.9.2
    Permalink Structure:      /%postname%/
    Active Theme:             cptssudgoelo astra child 1.0.0
    Parent Theme:             cptssudgoelo astra child 1.0.0
    Registered Post Stati:    publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, request-pending, request-confirmed, request-failed, request-completed
    // Browser Details //
    Browser Name: Chrome
    Browser Version: 100.0.4896.127
    Browser User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Safari/537.36
    Platform: Windows
    // End Browser Section //
    PHP Version:              7.3.33-1+0~20211119.91+debian10~1.gbp618351
    PHP Extensions:              Core,date,libxml,openssl,pcre,zlib,filter,hash,Reflection,SPL,sodium,session,standard,cgi-fcgi,mysqlnd,PDO,xml,bcmath,calendar,ctype,curl,dom,mbstring,fileinfo,ftp,gd,gettext,iconv,imagick,intl,json,ldap,exif,mysqli,pdo_mysql,Phar,posix,readline,shmop,SimpleXML,soap,sockets,sysvmsg,sysvsem,sysvshm,tokenizer,wddx,xmlreader,xmlwriter,xsl,zip,Zend OPcache
    GD enabled:              Yes
    //GD Info
    GD Version: 2.2.5
    FreeType Support: 1
    FreeType Linkage: with freetype
    GIF Read Support: 1
    GIF Create Support: 1
    JPEG Support: 1
    PNG Support: 1
    WBMP Support: 1
    XPM Support: 1
    XBM Support: 1
    WebP Support: 1
    BMP Support: 1
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support: 
    // End GD Info
    MySQL Version:            5.5.5-10.3.34-MariaDB-1:10.3.34+maria~buster
    Web Server Info:          nginx/1.14.2
    WordPress Memory Limit:   40M
    PHP Safe Mode:            No
    PHP Memory Limit:         1024M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      80M
    PHP Post Max Size:        100M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  80M
    PHP Time Limit:           600
    PHP Max Input Vars:       9000
    PHP Arg Separator:        &
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  Yes
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG:             Disabled
    // Table Prefix //
    Table Prefix:             wp_
    Show On Front:            page
    Page On Front:            Accueil (#119)
    Page For Posts:            (#0)
    Session:                  Enabled
    Session Name:             PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              /
    Save Path:                /var/lib/php/sessions
    Use Cookies:              On
    Use Only Cookies:         On
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           N/A
    FSOCKOPEN:                Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    BP Groups CiviCRM Sync: 0.4
    BuddyPress: 10.2.0
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription: 4.0.1
    CiviCRM: 5.44.0
    CiviCRM Admin Utilities: 0.9.2
    CiviCRM Mailer: 1.0.0
    CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync: 0.5.2
    MediaPress: 1.5.2
    Members: 3.1.7
    Reset password front end: 0.1.0
    Starter Templates: 3.1.7
    Taskbuilder: 1.0.3
    User Switching: 1.5.8
    Wbcom Designs - BuddyPress Activity Filter: 2.8.1
    WPForms Lite: 1.7.3
    // MediaPress Settings //
    active_components:		members,groups
    default_status:		groupsonly
    active_statuses:		public,private,loggedin
    active_types:		photo,video,audio,doc
    extensions:		jpeg,jpg,gif,png,mp4,flv,mpeg,mp3,wmv,midi,zip,gz,doc,pdf,docx,xls
    size_thumbnail:		200,200,1
    size_mid:		350,350,1
    size_large:		600,600
    single_media_size:		large
    lightbox_media_size:		large
    mpp_upload_space:		10
    mpp_upload_space_groups:		10
    show_upload_quota:		0
    show_max_upload_file_size:		1
    default_storage:		local
    enable_file_upload:		1
    enable_remote:		1
    enable_remote_file:		0
    download_remote_file:		1
    enable_oembed:		1
    enable_debug:		1
    has_gallery_directory:		1
    activity_upload:		1
    activity_disable_auto_file_browser:		1
    autopublish_activities:		create_gallery,add_media
    activity_photo_default_view:		default
    activity_video_default_view:		default
    activity_audio_default_view:		default
    activity_doc_default_view:		default
    show_orphaned_media:		0
    delete_orphaned_media:		0
    activity_media_display_limit:		50
    members_active_types:		photo,video,audio,doc
    members_enable_type_filters:		0
    members_photo_gallery_default_view:		default
    members_video_gallery_default_view:		default
    members_audio_gallery_default_view:		default
    members_doc_gallery_default_view:		default
    groups_active_types:		photo,video,audio,doc
    groups_photo_gallery_default_view:		default
    groups_video_gallery_default_view:		default
    groups_audio_gallery_default_view:		default
    groups_doc_gallery_default_view:		default
    enable_group_galleries_default:		yes
    contributors_can_edit:		1
    contributors_can_delete:		1
    groups_enable_my_galleries:		1
    galleries_per_page:		12
    media_per_page:		20
    media_columns:		4
    gallery_columns:		4
    show_gallery_description:		0
    show_media_description:		0
    enable_audio_playlist:		1
    enable_video_playlist:		1
    gdoc_viewer_enabled:		1
    enable_media_comment:		1
    enable_gallery_comment:		1
    load_lightbox:		1
    lightbox_media_only:		0
    enable_activity_lightbox:		1
    enable_gallery_lightbox:		1
    enable_lightbox_in_gallery_media_list:		1
    // End of MediaPress Settings //

    i will search again

    Thanks so lot

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    Posts: 19

    Thanks for your reply


  • Participant
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    i test the upload with 3 plugins activate : civicrm, buddypress and mediapress

    with this minimal installation i can’t put an image in feed activity

    I change the theme for wordpress default theme and it’s good. I can use your plugin

    For resume, perhaps, your plugin is not compatible with astra theme or astra child

    have you got a feedback with this compatibility problem with à wordpress theme ? Because for my use case, i must use astra theme


  • Participant
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    Posts: 19


    Sorry for the late. I test again your plugin with the default form of buddypress and i can’t post a photo or media library in activity feed.

    Here my plugins :

    – BP Groups CiviCRM Sync
    – BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
    – CiviCRM
    – CiviCRM Admin Utilities
    – CiviCRM Mailer
    – CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync
    – MediaPress
    – Members
    – Reset password front end (custom plugin)
    – Starter Templates
    – User Switching
    – WPForms Lite

    my theme is astra (child theme)

    I’m searching an incompatibility with other plugin today perhaps ??

    Thanks so lot