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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #18081
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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #18074
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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17951

    Hello Brajesh
    Little reminder
    If it was possible

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17667

    Hello Brajesh,
    little reminder
    have a good day

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17502

    Hello Brajesh,
    I’m not sure I understood correctly, but I put the complete code of your add-on: BuddyPress Member Featured Expirable Membership Addon

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17450

    Hi Brajesh,
    Ah ok thank you for all these details.
    I shared the current code:

    I would have liked to have a different time depending on the role WP if I activate manually clicking on the button “set featured”. If it’s too complicated, I give up this option (or I’ll put a common time for any manual activation)

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17444

    Hi Brajesh,

    Actually, I want to assign the number of days based on the WP role and gender of the member. Why it is not possible?
    If this is not possible, do you have any idea of ​​another solution?

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17421

    The addition is working well now.
    I am now trying to make the setting in your function function get_interval ()

    As the cases are spread over several days. I have a function (determine_temps_mise_en_avant) to see in debug.log if _paid_featured has changed in value.
    By visiting the page where the widget is located, I execute my function and I see the value of _paid. It seems to me that it’s good

    I would like in your get_interval function that I also record _paid_featured and other variables in debug.log Out of it’s empty
    I think in your function I do not yet have to get the good value user_id

    private function get_interval() {	
    $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    $jesuis = xprofile_get_field_data($field_jesuis,$user_id ); 
    $user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    $meta_paie = get_user_meta( $user_id, _paid_featured , true); 		
    if ($meta_paie=='1'){
    error_log ("APRES DESACTIV.". $varHD);	
    return  $nbr_jour_a_la_une * DAY_IN_SECONDS;

    Outside this is not the case. I think in your function I do not yet have to get the good value user_id
    [12-Sep-2018 09:04:58 UTC] APRES DESACTIV.user_id: 0!!!<br>jesuis: ??? <br>meta_paie: ???


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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17411

    Hello Brajesh
    Have you seen a solution to recover the settings in your function

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    Hervé on in reply to: [Resolved] paiement with featured Member #17267

    Hello Brajesh

    I will try to explain better!
    Overall it works.
    After payment a member is deactivated after a time.
    I wanted to improve the code by varying the connection time according to criteria
    My problem is that I try to test the different cases and it is very long. I found it interesting to use debug.log to see variables including meta_user. Maybe still improve by sending me an email on

    private function get_interval() {	
    		$field_jesuis = '23'; //57		
    		$user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    		$jesuis = xprofile_get_field_data($field_jesuis,$user_id ); 
    		$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    		$user_roles = isset($user_info->roles)?$user_info->roles:array();				
    		$meta_paie = get_user_meta( $user_id, _paid_featured , true); 		
    		if ($meta_paie=='1'){ // utilisateur payant
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='8'; 	} 
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='7'; 	} 
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='6'; 	} 
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='5'; 	} 
    		else {
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='4'; 	} 
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='3'; 	}
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='2'; 	} 
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='1'; 	} 
    		$varHD.= "user_id: ".$user_id;		
    		$varHD.= "<br>jesuis: " .$jesuis;	
    		$varHD.= "<br>meta_paie: " .$meta_paie;	
       	error_log ("APRES DESACTIV.". $varHD);		
    		return  $nbr_jour_a_la_une * DAY_IN_SECONDS; // 1 jour		

    In order to see if the removal of the highlight is functional, I made a function

    add_action('get_header', 'determine_temps_mise_en_avant');  
    function determine_temps_mise_en_avant() {
    	if (is_page(26) AND is_user_logged_in()) { 
    		$user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    		$field_jesuis = '23'; //57		
    		$jesuis = xprofile_get_field_data($field_jesuis,$user_id ); //  $user_id );
    		$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
    		$user_roles = isset($user_info->roles)?$user_info->roles:array();		
    		$varHD.= "user_id: ".$user_id;		
    		$varHD.= "<br>jesuis: " .$jesuis;		
    		$meta_paie = get_user_meta( $user_id, _paid_featured , true); 
    		$varHD.= "<br>meta_paie: " .$meta_paie;	
    		if ($meta_paie=='1'){ // utilisateur payant
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='8'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='7'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='6'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='5'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    		else {
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='4'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Une femme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='3'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre1', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='2'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    			if ( ($jesuis=='Un homme') AND (in_array('membre0', $user_roles))  ){$nbr_jour_a_la_une='1'; 	} // si membre de base ET une femme $user->has_cap('membre0')
    		$varHD.= "<br>nbr_jour_a_la_une: " .$nbr_jour_a_la_une;
      // echo $varHD;
      	error_log ($varHD);

    In debug.log, I see 2 things.
    after deactivation, I did not contain in my variables

    [12-Sep-2018 09:04:58 UTC] APRES DESACTIV.user_id: 0<br>jesuis: <br>meta_paie: 

    after refreshing the page, I still have _paid. This one may not have been disabled by !!

    [12-Sep-2018 09:04:58 UTC] AttenduTableau: 
      		user_id: 3<br>jesuis: Un homme<br>meta_paie: 1<br>nbr_jour_a_la_une: 6

    I hope it helps