


  • Participant
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    Hervé on #34878

    Hi Brajesh
    Ok indeed it was paying plugins ! suggestion to put the word “PRO” 🙂
    I only use 2 or 3 plugins now, I hope one day you’ll put a basket to buy your plugins !?
    otherwise I have a doubt, for the free plugins, I do have an alert for the update without your dashboard plugin?

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    Hervé on #24356

    Hi Brajesh
    Migration and site in good condition now.
    thank you for your attention

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    Hervé on #24325

    I think I solved the problem. I had not changed the prefix in wp-config while I had done in the database to make my exports / imports.
    I still have a weird value that is written in the debug
    [23-Jul-2019 10:09:54 UTC] b35af9a701
    [23-Jul-2019 10:09:56 UTC] b35af9a701
    [23-Jul-2019 10:10:04 UTC] b35af9a701
    [23-Jul-2019 10:10:06 UTC] b35af9a701
    An idea ?

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    Hervé on #24324

    HI Brajesh,
    I migrated yesterday manually.
    Everything seems to work properly without the errors of the old site :-).
    Only problem, I have the debug.log file which continues to fill with an earlier date (22/07 instead of 23/07) !!!
    I used all the possible tools of correction:
    * buddypress
    * WP-Sweep
    * WP-Optimize

    [22-Jul-2019 17:01:55 UTC] Erreur de la base de données WordPress Table 'xxx.wpamo_bp_xprofile_data' doesn't exist pour la requête SELECT * FROM wpamo_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 1 AND user_id = 2 faite par require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('users_page_bp-profile-setup'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, xprofile_admin, xprofile_admin_screen, xprofile_get_field, BP_XProfile_Field::get_instance, BP_XProfile_Field->__construct, BP_XProfile_Field->populate, BP_XProfile_Field->get_field_data, BP_XProfile_ProfileData->__construct, BP_XProfile_ProfileData->populate
    [22-Jul-2019 17:01:55 UTC] Erreur de la base de données WordPress Table 'xxx.wpamo_bp_xprofile_data' doesn't exist pour la requête SELECT * FROM wpamo_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 57 AND user_id = 2 faite par require_once('wp-admin/admin.php'), do_action('users_page_bp-profile-setup'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, xprofile_admin, xprofile_admin_screen, xprofile_get_field, BP_XProfile_Field::get_instance, BP_XProfile_Field->__construct, BP_XProfile_Field->populate, BP_XProfile_Field->get_field_data, BP_XProfile_ProfileData->__construct, BP_XProfile_ProfileData->populate

    Do you have an idea to solve this problem because it fills the debug.log file 🙁

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    Hervé on #23719

    Hello Brajesh

    I will not be able to give details because they are too many and varied. Examples

    To solve a problem, I had to put a cron to perform “flush_rewrite_rules ();”

    In the logs I have messages of this type

    .. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'rows, ref AS reference, SUM(creds) AS total, MAX(time) AS last_entry FROM wpamo_' at line 1 pour la requête SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows, ref AS reference, SUM(creds) AS total, MAX(time) AS last_entry FROM wpamo_myCRED_log WHERE user_id = 4920 AND ctype = 'mycred_default' GROUP BY ref ORDER BY rows DESC; faite par require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Core->init, myCRED_Core->post_init_globals, mycred_set_current_account, do_action('mycred_set_current_account'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Log_Module->populate_current_account, myCRED_History->__construct, myCRED_History->populate,

    and full of member display issues, …. 🙁

    For a year, I spent hours disabling everything, fixing the base … 🙁 🙁
    Now I am very tired and ready to stop the site with wordpress
    Maybe we reach the limits of wordpress with the integration of many plugins !?

    Can you just tell me the main buddypress tables : friends, wordpress roles, xprofile fields (and if possible activity, groups) .
    I’ll try table by table to see if I find the solution?
    thank you in advance

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Hervé.
  • Participant
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    Hervé on #23693

    Hi Brajesh
    That’s all that is related to buddypress: activity, friends, groups, wordpress roles, xprofile fields ..
    I hope that the third party plugins (mycred, BuddyPress Member Types Pro, BuddyPress Rate Limit User Activity, mailster …) will find the id of the member by restoring them !!

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    Hervé on #20583

    Hi Brajesh
    Ok thanks for the answer and the plugin 🙂
    I do not understand
    why do pirates do this ??
    why BP does not forbid it immediately?
    why is it possible if access to the profile is restricted to the member?

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    Hervé on #20428

    Hi Brajesh
    As the test shows, it does not change anything when I change BP template!
    This was broken with the new version of wOffice but the author tells me that it comes from buddypress 🙁

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    Hervé on #20423

    hello Brajesh,

    I still spent hours but I do not understand where the problem comes from.
    I asked the help of the author of the theme who does not want to go further. He advised me to debug to do

    1 / query used by the Woffice template.
    $ members_loop_query = apply_filters (‘woffice_members_loop_query’, http_build_query ($ query_array));
    fw_print ($ members_loop_query);

    I get the result

    type=active&action=active&page=1&exclude=0%2C1%2C3809%2C2749%2C3455%2C3927%2C2430%2C4016%2C3849%2C4133%2C3112%2C2586%2C3957%2C3898%2C1505%2C37 ... &per_page=12

    2 / your code
    fw_print ($ query);
    return $ query;

    I get the result

        [query_vars_raw] => array
            [type] => 'active'
            [user_id] => 0
            [exclude] => '0,1,3809,2749,3455,3927,2430,4016,.......1378,4147'
            [search_terms] => false
            [meta_key] => false
            [meta_value] => false
            [member_type] => ''
            [member_type__in] => ''
            [member_type__not_in] => ''
            [include] => false
            [per_page] => 12
            [page] => 1
            [populate_extras] => true
            [count_total] => 'count_query'
        [query_vars] => array
            [type] => 'active'
            [per_page] => 12
            [page] => 1
            [user_id] => 0
            [search_terms] => false
            [search_wildcard] => 'both'
            [include] => false
            [exclude] => '0,1,3809,2749,3455,3927,2430,4016,.....3617,2984,1641,3115,3669,852,791,3763,3506,3083,1496,1378,4147'
            [user_ids] => false
            [member_type] => ''
            [member_type__in] => ''
            [member_type__not_in] => ''
            [meta_key] => false
            [meta_value] => false
            [xprofile_query] => array
                [0] => array
                    [field] => '57'
                    [value] => 'Une Femme'
                    [compare] => '='
                [1] => array
                    [field] => 'photo_note'
                    [value] => 3
                    [compare] => '>='
                    [type] => 'NUMERIC'
            [populate_extras] => true
            [count_total] => 'count_query'
        [results] => array()
        [total_users] => 0
        [user_ids] => array()
        [uid_clauses] => array()
        [uid_table] => ''
        [uid_name] => ''
        [*:no_results] => array
            [join] => ''
            [where] => '0 = 1'


        [query_vars_raw] => array
            [type] => 'active'
            [user_id] => 0
            [exclude] => '0,1,3809,2749,3455,3927,2430,4016,3849,4133,3112,....,791,3763,3506,3083,1496,1378,4147'
            [search_terms] => false
            [meta_key] => false
            [meta_value] => false
            [member_type] => ''
            [member_type__in] => ''
            [member_type__not_in] => ''
            [include] => false
            [per_page] => 12
            [page] => 1
            [populate_extras] => true
            [count_total] => 'count_query'
        [query_vars] => array
            [type] => 'active'
            [per_page] => 12
            [page] => 1
            [user_id] => 0
            [search_terms] => false
            [search_wildcard] => 'both'
            [include] => false
            [exclude] => '0,1,3809,2749,3455,3927,2430,4016,3849,4133,3112,......3669,852,791,3763,3506,3083,1496,1378,4147'
            [user_ids] => false
            [member_type] => ''
            [member_type__in] => ''
            [member_type__not_in] => ''
            [meta_key] => false
            [meta_value] => false
            [xprofile_query] => array
                [0] => array
                    [field] => '57'
                    [value] => 'Une Femme'
                    [compare] => '='
                [1] => array
                    [field] => 'photo_note'
                    [value] => 3
                    [compare] => '>='
                    [type] => 'NUMERIC'
            [populate_extras] => true
            [count_total] => 'count_query'
        [results] => array()
        [total_users] => 0
        [user_ids] => array()
        [uid_clauses] => array()
        [uid_table] => ''
        [uid_name] => ''
        [*:no_results] => array
            [join] => ''
            [where] => '0 = 1'

    When I switch to BP legacy, it does not change anything.
    I removed the exclude no results so as not to take too many places
    Do you have an idea to fix because I am obliged to use the new version of template woffice and buddypress!


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    Hervé on #20049

    Hello Brajesh,
    Sorry to come back to you
    The next program that you have finished does not work anymore.
    I think it comes (the author of the theme confirmed me) of the new BP template
    It seems that it comes from the query which is not the same anymore.
    The following function is used to “match” the list of people on the BP members page that matches its criteria in the xprofile fields.

    Ex .: see men if we have as a criterion “research man” …

    Now I see only 3 profiles while I see the pagination that tells me for example 12 on … x pages. I filter at the same time the members who have an image rated> = 3.

    Have a good day
    Can you do something?


    /* filtrer les membres, début */
    add_action( 'bp_pre_user_query_construct', 'membres_filtre_membre_selon_choix', 0 );
    function membres_filtre_membre_selon_choix( $query ) {
        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
        $user_id = get_current_user_id();    
        $field_jesuis = '57';     $field_jerecherche = '60';     
        $recherche_de = xprofile_get_field_data( $field_jerecherche, $user_id );    
        //$recherche_de = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Je recherche', $user_id, 'comma' );
        if ( empty( $recherche_de ) ) {
        if ( bp_is_user_friends() ) {
            return;// non appliqué si page amis (ne filtre pas sur la page des amis. Ce sera problématique car il ne filtrera pas le widget / shortcode sur la page des amis).
        $xprofile_query = isset( $query->query_vars['xprofile_query'] ) ? $query->query_vars['xprofile_query'] : array();
        $xprofile_query[] = array(
            'field'   => $field_jesuis,         'value'   => $recherche_de,
            'compare' => '=',
        if ( bp_is_members_directory() ) {        //photo_priorite
            $xprofile_query[] = array(
                'field'   => 'photo_note',
                'value'   => 3,
                'compare' => '>=',
                'type'    => 'NUMERIC',
        if ( ! empty( $xprofile_query ) ) {
            $query->query_vars['xprofile_query'] = $xprofile_query;
        return $query;
    /* filtrer les membres, fin */