


  • Participant
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    Sri Visjaya Yogi on #32878

    Ohh hi thanks much for the reply! You are awesome! 😉

  • Participant
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    Sri Visjaya Yogi on #32876

    Ohh okay Sir I will give it a try 🙂

  • Participant
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    Sri Visjaya Yogi on #32847

    Hi there, yea I want to know how to redirect the login page( I am referring to the login above just left side of right menu panel) … although I am just using the free community builder theme, the login page redirects users to wp login form I have.. I just want my users to use the normal login widget of buddypress… is it possible to change the login icon’s link to any other page where I can just set a separate login page (not the wp login)?

  • Participant
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    Sri Visjaya Yogi on #32846

    Urggh this sounds horrible… Good thing I’m reading here so I can beware of it 😀

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
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    Sri Visjaya Yogi on #32845

    I joined yesterday but I became busy with my website lol.. I really enjoy the community builder theme and I highly appreciate the efforts done by the theme…. I will purchase the pro version of it soon 🙂

    Best regards!