Happy New Year!
Did you get a chance to work on the importers?
OK, for any other WooThemes Canvas theme users out there, I copied themes/canvas/content-page.php into the root of my child theme and changed the line
if ( ! is_singular() ) {
if ( ! bp_is_user() && ! is_singular() ) {
and that seems to make MediaPress pages show properly.
Thanks again for your help Brajesh.
I may be being naive, but I think I have found a solution. The canvas/content-page.php file is including BuddyPress as the excerpt because the test is_singular() fails.
<section class=”entry”>
if ( ! is_singular() ) {
} else {
the_content( __( ‘Continue Reading →’, ‘woothemes’ ) );
wp_link_pages( $page_link_args );
</section><!– /.entry –>If I bypass that and get the content, it works. So I guess an override to content-page.php in my child theme with a simple test to check for mediapress content would do it? I am not sure what…
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Richard Wells. Reason: typo
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
I really appreciate your persistent help with this. Fresh eyes in the morning might help me at least!
I have activated the parent theme, Canvas, and it seems to have the same problem. (But Username Changer is still OK.) This would rule out an issue with my functions.php? There is quite a lot going on in there!
I am not sure where you are but it is pretty late where I am so perhaps we should sleep on it and I will try again tomorrow!
This is plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/home.php which is active:
* BuddyPress – Members Home
* @package BuddyPress
* @subpackage bp-legacy
<div id=”buddypress”>
* Fires before the display of member home content.
* @since 1.2.0
do_action( ‘bp_before_member_home_content’ ); ?><div id=”item-header” role=”complementary”>
* If the cover image feature is enabled, use a specific header
if ( bp_displayed_user_use_cover_image_header() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/cover-image-header’ );
else :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/member-header’ );
?></div><!– #item-header –>
<div id=”item-nav”>
<div class=”item-list-tabs no-ajax” id=”object-nav” role=”navigation”><?php bp_get_displayed_user_nav(); ?>
* Fires after the display of member options navigation.
* @since 1.2.4
do_action( ‘bp_member_options_nav’ ); ?></div>
</div><!– #item-nav –><div id=”item-body”>
* Fires before the display of member body content.
* @since 1.2.0
do_action( ‘bp_before_member_body’ );if ( bp_is_user_activity() || !bp_current_component() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/activity’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_blogs() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/blogs’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_friends() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/friends’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_groups() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/groups’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_messages() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/messages’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_profile() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/profile’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_forums() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/forums’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_notifications() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/notifications’ );elseif ( bp_is_user_settings() ) :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/settings’ );// If nothing sticks, load a generic template
else :
bp_get_template_part( ‘members/single/plugins’ );endif;
* Fires after the display of member body content.
* @since 1.2.0
do_action( ‘bp_after_member_body’ ); ?></div><!– #item-body –>
* Fires after the display of member home content.
* @since 1.2.0
do_action( ‘bp_after_member_home_content’ ); ?></div><!– #buddypress –>
OK I can send an administrator login via your messaging system. By the way, I am using your Change Username plugin and that works OK.
Thank you for the quick reply on Thanksgiving!
All the standard BuddyPress pages seem to work – Activity, Profile, Profile Edit etc – and the Gallery loop works (I have echo’d out the file path “mediapress-master/templates/mediapress/default/gallery/loop-gallery.php” and it shows on the page). The Create a Gallery page also works partially (mediapress-master/templates/mediapress/default/gallery/create.php) contrary to what I said above, in that the gallery is actually created but the landing page is wrong. Other MediaPress pages do not.
I do not have a plugins.php in my child theme but there is one at plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/plugins.php and I have tested that the problem pages are using it. I have also tried copying it to my child theme (themes/canvas-child/buddypress/members/single/plugins.php) but it made no difference.