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    jan hansen on #2614

    Thank you again for a master class support Brajesh.

    It is working again.


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    jan hansen on #2613

    Very nice with such quick response Brajesh…. I can’t seem to get to download the update, from my buddydev control panel? or should i wait for it to propagate within the wp installation?


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    jan hansen on #2446

    Yes sorry, was a bit delayed.
    It worked very well. Thank you for your great work.

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    jan hansen on #2148

    Thank you, worked like a charm!

    Very nice Brajesh!

    Merry Christmas and thank you for great work!


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    jan hansen on #2108

    Dear Brajesh once again thank you for quick reply.

    I put the bp-custom.php file in the root of the testimonial plugin folder, is that correct or should it be in the root folder for all plugins?

    It can still write several testimonials on a profile even though there is already one from the same user. Only difference is that the receiving user has to approve every testimonial, before shown public. That could work since the user then just deny to approve more testimonials from the same user, but would be luxury if they didn’t have to admin that and needed to remember who already did write earlier, so it automatic denied the option to post if you already had an approved testimonial on that profile.

    The writer of a testimonial can’t delete after approved – OK
    The receiver can still delete after approved – Could that be so only ADMIN can delete testimonials. (to prevent honest criticism to be deleted by receiver)

    once again thank you for great support and feedback.


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    jan hansen on #2088

    Thank you for your patience.

    it is now in order.

    Top votes for your great and fast support!!


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    jan hansen on #2083

    its so simple and yet i dont seem to get it to work… haha.

    I have the 2 original .mo and .po files in the language folder. I just edit the text in the original .PO, shouldn’t that do it? there is already the .mo file named bp-user-testimonials-en_US.mo , and yes my default locale is en_US.

    So what am i missing?


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    jan hansen on #2081

    Hi Brajesh, thank you for quick reply.

    I translated the original .PO but it still show the old “testimonial” text. is there a cache somewhere or do I need to do something else than just change in the .po?

    Cheers & Thanx