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    Jon on #4993

    Sorry I figured it out…

    On line 77 of the plugin I changed:

    get_the_title( $post ) to “My Custom Title”

    If there was a better way of doing this I’m happy to know!

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Jon.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Jon.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Jon.
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    Jon on #4937

    Thank you! That’s exactly what I needed. I will save Link Page to Groups for another time

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    Jon on #4915

    I have a static single page that I would like to add to all groups no matter what type of group. So no matter what group it is, all of them will have the same page show up automatically.

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    Jon on #2940

    Thank you for looking into it!

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    Jon on #2857

    Ok so the issue is the post plugin I am using registers people using the basic wordpress registration. Not the Buddypress registration. I think that is why my users who sign up via submitting a post get the default wordpress activation email.

    Is there any way to get the BP Auto login on activation to function for basic WP activation emails?

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    Jon on #2850

    Great thanks for letting me know!

    I’m not sure if you can help me with this but I am using a plugin called USP Pro it allows users to submit posts to my site and has a register feature where they add a username and password.

    The plugin creator says it uses the basic WP email function when sending out the emails, so I thought that your plugin would overwrite it but when I test it I get 2 links in the email. One goes to create a new password and the other goes to the log in page.

    This only happens when people register for my site and submit a post at the same time. When users register through the regular sign-up process they get your emails.

    I know this is kind of a weird question but would you know how to make the link in you BP Autologin at activation email default for this way of signing up?

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    Jon on #2836

    Ok thanks!

    Whats RC?

    Will your BP Autologin at activation still work?

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    Jon on #2824

    Hey Brajesh I just created an outlook account and tried it myself. I got the same issue. It seems Outlook is the problem. It seems I have 2 options. Fix the email somehow or edit the activate page to add a “log in” button. Don’t know if that will work but will see.

    You have any ideas to fix this?

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    Jon on #2822

    Thanks for the information. Unfortunately I have no idea how to implement this and not sure if its worth doing. Is there even a way?

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    Jon on #2820

    So my user claims she got the invalid activation key the first time. She tried it again with gmail and it works but when she tried it with outlook it doesn’t work.

    Is that possible?