


  • Participant
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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Editable Activity and MediaPress #3462

    Hi Ravi,

    Thank you, that works perfectly.

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: Media Upload to a Group from User Activity Stream #3452

    Hi Brajesh,

    I wanted to check if you have any updates about this issue for moving media to groups album.

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Editable Activity and MediaPress #3451

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thanks for another great plugin.

    Actually, I didn’t get it correctly, sorry.
    What I want is to edit the activity content, if it includes editing media too, fine, if without media, better.

    Please let me know what’s possible and let’s do that.

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3434

    Hi Ravi,

    All works perfect, I just needed to change ‘suppress_filters’ => false to true to add the number of not translated posts too.

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3427

    Hi Ravi,
    Thank you, will try it and let you know.


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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3424

    Hi Ravi,

    Thank you, I had already done that, what I was asking was the number of posts that you can see next to BubbyBlog Tab in user profile tabs.

    Check this image please http://i.imgur.com/4VooYU6.jpg

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3421

    Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I use WPML, so I will try to find it out.

    Another question, please, in user profile tabs next to BuddyBlog there’s the number of posts by a user. I need to show there only the number of posts in one category. Is that possible?
    I checked it gets the number from wpdb where the categories are not included in the posts table. Are you aware of another way to get this?

    Thank you,

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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3416

    Hi Ravi,

    I have another problem here, can you please have a look?

    When I fill the form and submit, the page loads and the new post is already there in English – default language.
    But when I submit the form in Spanish, the page show’s a 404 page under the same URL, after a reload, the page loads again.

    Any ideas why this may happen?

    Thank you,

  • Participant
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    Leo on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3334

    Hi Ravi, thank you, it works perfect now!

  • Participant
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    Leo on in reply to: Media Upload to a Group from User Activity Stream #3161

    Hi Brajesh,

    I see it was not included in 1.0.4, are you planing it for any following update soon?

    Thank you,