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    I want to correct me – The new registered user is viewable in the “Dashboard > All Users”.

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] default Profile Cover Image #51809

    Hi Ravi,
    thank you! it works perfect.
    I have the theme AVADA

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] default Profile Cover Image #51799

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks a lot – but I need more help
    Sorry – I assume my question was not exactly – The “profile-header-image-background” – I meant the “Cover-Image” How can I set a cover image by default for all members, if they don’t upload an own image.

    I have added the code, but where can I upload a default image for all members?
    Maybe I did not upload the code in the right file. Where should I add the code?

    Thanks in advance

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    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for your answer.
    I have now disabled the option “allow registered members to delete their account” in the buddypress dashboard. They can deactivate their account to be invisible for others and they can delete their buddypress entries step by step.

    An idea for a plugin: A plugin with which user can remove all entries they have made in buddypress. So that one can choose to remove all activities or all profile content or all likes….
    At the moment every user can delete activity by activity but not in a bulg.
    This would contribute to the users privacy and even clean up the system.

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51599

    Hi Brajesh,

    I have uninstalled and installed Buddypress 12.2 and all plugins from the scratch again. There are still entries which should not be here, but they seem not to disturb. It looks like that it works properly.
    When I now want to open a restricted content and I am not logged in I will be forwarded to the page “Members only” with a login form.

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51596

    Hi Brajesh,
    Thanks for the upgrade – I’ve installed it – the error message doesn’t appear any more – nevertheless it is not perfect.
    When I am not logged in, it leads to the WP-standard Login Page WP-login.php. I use the woocommerce membership and I have set a content restriction on the buddypress community page.
    When I open other content pages which are restricted by woocommerce membership too the users view the standard information like “you have to register a Membership to see this content”.

    The problem, that the menu of BuddyPress Directories in Dashboard > appearance > menu > BuddyPress Directory still links to the very first pages, although they do no more exist and I have no access to them, is ongoing. Therefore I think it would be the best to install BuddyPress again.

    Please tell me – when I install the buddypress from scratch – would you advice to remove and reinstall the plugins too or can I keep them?

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51579

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for your answer – believe me, I have BP Classic installed and I have no access to the very first pages even not from Dashboard > Pages.

    I assume that something went wrong, when I installed BP Classic. Therefore I mention to remove both BP Classic and Buddypress and start from scratch and to install only BuddyPress 12. without BP Classic. I hope this new installation will not link to the very first pages.

    I don’t know, what would happen with the Plugins I have already installed and configured.

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51564

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for your answer – I have the BP Classic installed weeks ago. We discussed it already in a post here. View #51337. I assume something went wrong with this installation.

    What would happen, if I deinstall the Buddypress 12 and BP Classic and start again with a new installation of BP 12.2?
    As I am still developing the Buddypress I don’t have any activities of members, only a lot of configurations in different Buddypress plugins. What happens with the other plugins I have already configured. Would I have to delete and install them too or can I keep them?

    Best wishes

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51531

    An Assumtion: I assume we have a mix of different issues – the main issue is – the lost pages due to the update from BP 11.4. to BP 12. The pages are still in the system but not editable. I have to fix this first, before I can go on. But how can I fix this?

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    Gisela Zechner on in reply to: [Resolved] Error Message #51513

    An addition – I’ve just found the Buddypress Directories in the list of restricted content on the membership plan. I’ve set the member directory and the activity directory. But it doesn’t work, because they are linked to those pages, I had prepared as drafts in the old 11.4. Version of Buddypress, which I cannot edit any longer.