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Thank you very much for your reply.
I’ve realized that I’ve been bothering you a lot these days. I’m sorry for that.
We will start our project when this plugin is released. (Depends on this plugin)
Sorry again.
I wish you good work
I hope you are well.
I hope your plugin work is going well? Is there any problem with the Release Date?
Thanks, Muhittin Sahilli
Please don’t mind.
I missed that message.
I hope your health is good.
BuddyPress Beta-1 will be released on December 10.
So, will your BP.RE Plugin also catch up with Beta-1?
As far as I understand it will not just be a follow plugin.
So there will be a relationship plugin. For example the “Follow” feature will be part of the plugin.
Is it correct?
Thanks Muhittin Sahilli
Thank You For Answer
Great Is the Beta Version available or can you write me when the beta version is ready?
I hope you are in good health.
What is the latest status of the plugin?
Okey, I will write to you on the 23rd (Nov.) to know the status of the plugin. Again get well soon
Get well soon. I hope you get well soon.
Will it be added to BuddyPress version 11.0? Because it may not reach the 10.0 version most likely.