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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro maybe(?) #45421

    Thank you Brajesh and your thoughts do help. The (non-Buddypress) site my client is currently using requires that users post all their content (blog posts, events) within their chosen group and I’ve been attempting to replicate that but I’m staring to realise that (for the reasons you mention, amongst others) it may be necessary to “re-educate” users to post via their personal profiles and/or then provide a way of associating posts with a group where possible…

    Thank you for helping me think things through 😉

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    NikB on in reply to: BuddyBlog Pro maybe(?) #45397

    Thank you again Brajesh although that’s a shame…

    Given that content creation is such a fundamental part of WordPress, I’m actually quite surprised how hard it’s proving to find a plugin that handles this for Buddypress groups. Maybe I’ll have to have a go at writing something myself… and/or maybe I’ll find there are challenges involved that will explain why others haven’t 😉


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    NikB on in reply to: [Resolved] Approval required prior to group creation #45382

    Thank you as always for your assitance Brajesh and that makes sense. I’ll give it a try.

    Warm regards

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    NikB on in reply to: [Resolved] Approval required prior to group creation #45315

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you so much for your helpful reply.

    I follow your suggestion with regard to disabling certain aspects, not quite so sure I can visualise how “a filter for filtering these in admin” would be created or how it would work but will definitely give it some more thought.

    Warm regards

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #38219

    Hi Brajesh

    I’m so very sorry to hear you were unwell. I very much hope you’re feeling better very soon and no real rush on this one although it will be great to hear from you if/when you are able.


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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #38138

    Hi Brajesh

    Just wondering if you’d had a chance to look at this yet? It would certainly be very useful if/when you get the chance.

    With many thanks in advance.

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37796

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you SO much!

    I feel as if I must be almost there, and have been looking through your code to work out how things are done for other media types, but it would probably be a LOT quicker if you could possibly help me to “join the dots” 😉

    With a million thanks in advance and will look forward to hearing from you.

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37783

    Hi Ravi

    Many thanks again although I’m sorry, I think I’m even more confused now. Do I need to use all of that code (which makes reference to additional plugin files, scripts etc)?

    All(?) I want to do is to be able to display presentations (gallery and single media) in a similar way as currently happens for documents.


    PS. I tried adding –

    function mpp_custom_register_default_gallery_view() {
        $view = MPP_Gallery_View_Default::get_instance();
        mpp_register_gallery_view( 'presentation', $view );
    add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_register_default_gallery_view', 11 );

    … which seemed to be a step in the right direction but then adding –

    function mpp_custom_register_presentation_default_view() {
    mpp_register_media_view( 'presentation', 'default', new MPP_Media_View_Presentation() );      
    add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_register_presentation_default_view', 11 );

    … caused an error so I’m clearly not quite there yet.

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37780

    Hi Brajesh
    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I (possibly rather lazily) simply copied the text from the link above ie.

    function mpp_custom_register_presentation_type() {
        mpp_register_type( array(
                'key'           => 'presentation',
                'label'         => __( 'Presentation', 'mediapress' ),
                'labels'        => array(
                                    'singular_name'    => __( 'Presentation', 'mediapress' ),
                                    'plural_name'    => __( 'Presentations', 'mediapress' )
                'description'   => __( 'Presentation media type taxonomy', 'mediapress' ),
                'extensions'    => array( 'ppt', 'pps', 'pptx', 'odp' )
        ) );
    add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_register_presentation_type', 11 );

    Followed by –

    function mpp_custom_register_presentation_type_support() {
        mpp_component_add_type_support( 'sitewide', 'presentation');
        mpp_component_add_type_support( 'members', 'presentation');
    add_action( 'mpp_setup', 'mpp_custom_register_presentation_type', 12 );

    From what you say, it sounds as if I also need to use mpp_register_gallery_view and mpp_register_media view (which seems quite obvious now I think about it)?

    Assuming that’s the case, I guess I may be able to figure things out myself but again, any suggestions much appreciated.

    With many thanks as always

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37734

    PS. I was doing some more investigation into this and notice that there is an error message appearing in the code “Unable to display content. Needs a registered view.”

    I also noticed that in settings under “Members Gallery Default Views”, for the newly added “Presentations” there is no option to select Grid or List view but simply the words “It will be used as the default view. It can be overridden per gallery”…

    I’m just wondering if either of these may give a hint to the issue. Possibly Mediapress has been updated since the code I copied (see link given in original post) was created and it needs tweaking slightly?

    With many thanks again for any thoughts.