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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37718

    Hi Ravi

    Many thanks for your reply and I’m not aware of using any custom media loop.

    If it makes any difference, “documents” work fine. It’s only the newly added “presentations” that don’t.

    Warm Regards

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    NikB on in reply to: Mediapres & Powerpoint #37709

    Hi Ravi

    Thank you so much for getting back to me.

    Viewing the file in the format you have described works perfectly but not when viewing the gallery. I don’t think I can upload a screenshot here but the gallery appears as follows –

    Add Media
    Your Gallery/My Test Presentation Gallery

    Then a line of scribbled text… which isn’t “clickable”.

    I’ve tried disabling all plugins except BuddyBoss and MediaPress and reverting to Twenty Twenty theme.

    I’m really hoping it’s not a BuddyBoss issue (unfortunately my clients’ choice, not mine) and something simpler such as a setting I may have missed?

    With many thanks in advance.


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    NikB on in reply to: Tweaking bp_get_group_join_button #37572

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you for your reply although I don’t really think it’s a BuddyBoss issue (and perhaps I have explained badly).

    Essentially I have a function called bp_change_group_button which runs on – add_filter( ‘bp_get_group_join_button’, ‘bp_change_group_button’ ).

    The bit of code within the function which I want to change is –

    if ( !bp_group_has_requested_membership( $group ) ) {
    						$button = array(
    							'id'                => 'request_membership',
    							'component'         => 'groups',
    							'must_be_logged_in' => false,
    							'block_self'        => false,
    							'wrapper_class'     => 'group-button ' . $group->status,
    							'wrapper_id'        => 'groupbutton-' . $group->id,
    							'link_href'         => wp_nonce_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) . 'request-membership', 'groups_request_membership' ),
    							'link_text'         => __( 'Request Membership', 'buddypress' ),
    							'link_title'        => __( 'Request Membership', 'buddypress' ),
    							'link_class'        => 'group-button request-membership',

    ie. instead of prompting a membership request, I simply want to somehow add a link to that particular button so that it will divert to a particular page. It feels as if that really shouldn’t be a particularly complicated requirement so maybe I’m being an idiot or missing something obvious which is why I thought I might ask you guys who are so familiar with BuddyPress, but I do also fully appreciate that you may feel it’s outside of your scope 😉

    Thank you so much for your time anyway and I shall do a bit more investigation myself.

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    NikB on in reply to: Tweaking bp_get_group_join_button #37537

    Hi Ravi

    Thank you so much for getting back to me.

    It’s actually quite a complex set up but I suspect the main things you need to know are that I’m using BuddyBoss & BuddyBoss theme with the Nouveau template pack.

    It may/may not be relevant but as a bit of background, what I’m trying to create (and as far as I am aware, no single plugin currently handles this fully, at least not in the way I need) is a situation where members have to pay to join a group. Using a couple of other plugins and some custom coding, I now have a “Join Now” button which appears underneath the group_header_meta and links to the relevant Woocommerce product. This all works perfectly and as intended but in order to tidy things up, what I’d really like is for the “Request Membership” button to have this same link so that it will appear in the same place as the other “group action” buttons and I can get rid of the additional button under the meta.

    So… essentially my query is as above ie. I’d like to be able to make the “Request Membership” button link to a url for which I can probably generate the string myself (but will be something like $url = get_permalink( $product_id )) although for the purposes of any example you might be able to offer, simply a link to say, the home page, would be fine and I can then tweak the code a little further from there myself.

    Hope that makes sense and hasn’t over-complicated things too much. The bottom line is that all I want the “Request Membership” button to do is to link to another page 😉

    With fingers crossed and very many thanks in advance.

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    NikB on in reply to: User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – Profile Field Sets #37364

    Hi Brajesh

    My turn to apologise for the slow reply and many thanks for this. I haven’t had a chance to check it yet but definitely sounds promising and I’ll give it a go.

    With many thanks as always for your support.

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    NikB on in reply to: User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – Profile Field Sets #37148

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I am indeed currently using a child of the BuddyBoss theme and from what you say, I do wonder if this may have something to do with the issues I am experiencing. If you have any suggestions to overome them, I would be very grateful.

    With many thanks in advance.


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    NikB on in reply to: User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – Profile Field Sets #37018

    Hi again

    I’ve now purchased User Profile Tabs Creator Pro and I can already see it’s going to save me a lot of time in future but I’m still struggling to achieve what I want in this particular scenario which (as mentioned above) is as follows –

    On the Profile tab, I want to separate the individual profile field sets (eg. Personal Details, Workout Details, Professional Info etc) into separate subnav tabs.

    What I have done so far –

    Created a Profile tab with the slug as “profile” and given it a new label (“All Profile Info”)
    Are we modifying a tab added by BuddyPress or some other plugin – is checked
    Added 2 subnavs

    Result so far –

    Profile tab is successfully renamed “All Profile Info” but it’s still showing the full list of field sets on a single page and no apparent subnavs

    I wasn’t sure whether I should check “Are we modifying an existing sub nav?” and I’m guessing this may be part of the problem. Presumably the answer for the first subnav I’ve created should be “yes” but can’t figure out what the slug should be.

    I did attempt to follow the documentation instructions for locating the slug but unfortunately I’m using Buddyboss on this occasion and there doesn’t seem to be any reference to the “data-bp-user-scope” at all. I’ve tried guessing at the slug using “view”, “profile” and “public” but none of these seem to work.

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    With many thanks in advance.

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    NikB on in reply to: User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – Profile Field Sets #36987

    Many thanks Ravi. I can see that is producing results although the formatting needs some work, that’s obviously something I can address myself.

    Is there any documentation available for the shortcodes plugin at all?


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    NikB on in reply to: User Profile Tabs Creator Pro – Profile Field Sets #36969

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you and that definitely sounds like an interesting option.

    I’ve just installed the plugin and pasted that shortcode into a page to test but it doesn’t seem to be working. Any suggestions as to whether that’s likely to be because a) it needs to be on a profile page b) I need to install Profile Tabs Creator Pro first or c) I’m currently using Buddyboss? 😉


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    NikB on in reply to: [Resolved] Member Types Pro #36413

    Hi Brajesh

    Many thanks for your super prompt (as always) reply. I’ve been doing a bit more research since I posted the query and was starting to realise that BB does seem to handle member types rather differently 😉
