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    Present Phuture on #13864

    Hi Brajesh

    After a whole month of getting my Theme support team to finally assist me. I’ve managed to fix it. Here is the code if anybody has the same issue as mine. I know it only works for my theme however they can maybe change the class tag name and see if it works, or you guys could use it as a guide to help others:

     .media-modal-content .media-frame select.attachment-filters {width:100% !important;height: auto !important;padding: 0 14px;}
    .media-modal-content .media-toolbar-primary.search-form label {display:none;}
    .media-modal-content .media-toolbar { height: 45px !important; } 

    Once again thank you and may you have a great weekend.


  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #13628

    Thank You

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    Present Phuture on #13311

    Hi Brajesh

    I apologise for the delay in responding. I’ve tried the css code and it is not working.



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    Present Phuture on #13106
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #13078
  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #12823

    Hi Brajesh

    Thank you very much. The Code worked very well.



  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #12763

    Hi Ravi

    Sorry for the delay in responding. Thanks a million. The update of the plugin BP Simple Frontend Post worked. I’d like to ask one last thing then I’ll mark this topic as resolved. How do I hide buddyblog and the Blog profile link from the contributor and subscriber user. I only would like the author, editor and administrator to be the only users writing articles.



  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #12687

    Hi Ravi

    Happy New Year. Here are the demo



    I am not sure if this is what you mean by demo.


  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #12686

    Hi Ravi

    Here is the code I used for buddyblog:

    //For Buddyblog Set Minimum and Maximum Characters for Blog Post
    function buddyblog_custom_validate_title_content($is_error,$post_data){
        //if there is already an error, let us return
            return $is_error;
        //otherwise, let us check for the length of the title/contet
        $min_title_length=50;//assuming 50 characters
        $min_content_length=200;//assuming 200 charactes, will include space
        $title = trim($post_data['bp_simple_post_title']);
        $content = trim($post_data['bp_simple_post_text']);
        //get the form
         $form_id = $post_data['bp_simple_post_form_id'];
         $form = bp_get_simple_blog_post_form_by_id($form_id);
            $form->message=sprintf('Sorry, The title is too short. The title must be atleast %d characters long.',$min_title_length);
            return $is_error;
            $form->message=sprintf('Sorry, The content is too short. The post content must be atleast %d characters long.',$min_content_length);
            return $is_error;
        return $is_error;
    //Allow Admin to pick which User blog gets published
    add_filter( 'buddyblog_user_can_publish', 'buddyblog_custom_admin_allow_publishing', 10, 2 );
    function buddyblog_custom_admin_allow_publishing( $can_publish, $user_id ) {
    if(user_can( $user_id, 'list_users' ) )
    $can_publish = true;
    return $can_publish;
    //Show Categories as dropdown menu
    //buddyblog category as dd
    add_filter( 'buddyblog_post_form_settings', 'buddyblog_custom_category_as_dropdoown');
    function buddyblog_custom_category_as_dropdoown( $settings ) {
    if( !empty( $settings['tax']['category']))
    $settings['tax']['category']['view_type'] ='dd'; //view is drop down for categories
    return $settings;
    //Show Post Tags as dropdown menu
    //buddyblog post tag as dd
    add_filter( 'buddyblog_post_form_settings', 'buddyblog_custom_post_tag_as_dropdoown');
    function buddyblog_custom_post_tag_as_dropdoown( $settings ) {
    if( !empty( $settings['tax']['post_tag']))
    $settings['tax']['post_tag']['view_type'] ='dd'; //view is drop down for categories
    return $settings;
    //Include these categories and post tag for user on buddyblog
     * Filter the BuddyBlog form settings and limit category/tag inclusion.
     * @param array $settings settings array.
     * @return array
    function buddydev_filter_buddyblog_form_settings( $settings ) {
    	$tax                        = isset( $settings['tax'] ) ? $settings['tax'] : array();
    	$tax['category']['include'] = array( 18, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 192, 194, 196, 199 );// category ids to include.
    	$tax['post_tag']['include'] = array( 202, 204, 230 );// tag ids to include.
    	$settings['tax'] = $tax;
    	return $settings;
    add_filter( 'buddyblog_post_form_settings', 'buddydev_filter_buddyblog_form_settings' );
  • Participant
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    Present Phuture on #12601

    Hi Ravi

    Here is the link: https://postimg.org/image/9jgzb6zgt/