


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Flickering Menu #52613

    Hello Angelina,

    Hopefully, Youzify will have some insights into resolving the issue. Let me know if you need any further assistance!


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Feature Member: Opera #52612

    Hello John,

    Thank you for posting. As per the shared link, I am unable to locate the featured members list. Please check and provide me with the correct link so that I can check.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: MediaPress restriction Member Type #52610

    Hello Angelina,

    Thank you for posting. There is no way to restrict users from uploading media based on file type i.e. images from your requiment. But by using custom code you can limit the user from uploading all types of media based on their member type.


    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Ravi.
  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] Change or remove member type from slug #52568

    Hello Cordial,

    Thank you for your reply and for sharing your concerns. I understand the importance of maintaining optimal performance and minimizing the use of plugins. I have suggested the plugin because not only can you modify the mentioned string but in future, if you want to modify another string from any other plugin that supports localization, you could also modify that. To modify the string using custom code use the following:

    add_filter( 'bp_get_current_member_type_message', function ( $message ) {
    	$type_object = bp_get_member_type_object( bp_get_current_member_type() );
    	$message = sprintf( __( 'Viewing members from the location: %s', 'buddypress' ), '<strong>' . $type_object->labels['singular_name'] . '</strong>' );
    	return $message;
    } );

    Please try it.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] Recent visitor count #52564

    Hello Stefan,

    Marking as resolved as per acknowledgement on the following thread:



  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Recent Visitor Plugin – Notification possibility? #52563
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Some questions about the MediaPress Rating Plugin #52562

    Hello Benny,

    Thank you for replying. This is not for installation. This library is used by the MediaPress Media Rating plugin to allow users to rate media. This needs customization I recommend hiring someone to make these customization for you.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Recent Visitor Plugin – Notification possibility? #52558

    Hello Stefan,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. We have released the plugin with added compatibility for BuddyBoss custom notification API. Please upgrade your plugin to “1.8.2” and give it a try.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] Recent visitor count #52557

    Hello Stefan,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. We have released the plugin with a fix for directory tab count in BuddyBoss. Please upgrade your plugin to “1.8.2” and give it a try.


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Some questions about the MediaPress Rating Plugin #52556

    Hello Benny,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. For rating, We have used the following plugin:


    it does provide a modify way to modify the icon and replace it with an SVG icon. But we haven’t tested it for that scenario if you like you can refer to the following resource for changing the image


    Please take a look.
