Yes, I will update you.
Ravi- This reply has been marked as private.
Thank you for pointing out the missing translations. That’s strange we mistakenly skip these translations. We will add them and will let you know.
RaviHello Earl,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share some screenshots of the plugin settings i.e. ‘BuddyPress Auto Join Groups’ and also your auto join list conditions so that I can help.
Ravi- Ravi on June 28, 2023 at 6:03 am in reply to: Need a way to notify admin of profile completion… #49867
Hello John,
Thank you for sharing the code. This piece of code will not help much. But, We need an action when the user profile gets completed so that we can use this action to notify the admin. Please contact BuddyBoss for the same they can help you with this issue.
Ravi - Ravi on June 28, 2023 at 5:55 am in reply to: BubbyBlog Pro – Default post visibility = Password Protected not working? #49866
Hello Andre,
Thank you for using the plugin. We are checking this and will get back to you.
Ravi Hello Carsten,
I have modified the function a little bit. The likes count only reset once the user visits the ‘Received Tab’ on their profile. So, I have changed the link URL to ‘Received Tab’ if visible to the user.
function mobile_menu_logged_in_likes_button( $loggedin_id ) { if ( ! $loggedin_id || ! bpuplike_is_tab_available_for_user( $loggedin_id ) ) { return; } $user_link = bp_core_get_user_domain( $loggedin_id ); $like_link = trailingslashit( $user_link . bpuplike_get_tab_slug() ); if ( _bplike_is_tab_visible( bpuplike_get_option( 'received_likes_tab_visibility', array() ), $loggedin_id, $loggedin_id ) ) { $like_link = trailingslashit( $user_link . bpuplike_get_tab_slug() ) . 'by-others/'; } $count_type = bpuplike_get_option( 'enable_likes_counter', 'all' ); if ( 'unread' === $count_type ) { $count = bpuplike_get_unread_received_likes_count_for_user( $loggedin_id ); } else { // other people liking the user. $count = bpuplike_get_received_likes_count_for_user( $loggedin_id ); } $show_count = ''; if ( $count ) { $show_count = '<span class="bpuplike-like-count">' . $count . '</span>'; } $icon = '<svg xmlns="”" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-heart" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m8 2.748-.717-.737C5.6.281 2.514.878 1.4 3.053c-.523 1.023-.641 2.5.314 4.385.92 1.815 2.834 3.989 6.286 6.357 3.452-2.368 5.365-4.542 6.286-6.357.955-1.886.838-3.362.314-4.385C13.486.878 10.4.28 8.717 2.01L8 2.748zM8 15C-7.333 4.868 3.279-3.04 7.824 1.143c. 3.12 0 0 1 .176-.17C12.72-3.042 23.333 4.867 8 15z"/> </svg>'; // Replace svg with your svg code. return '<a href="' . esc_url( $like_link ) . '">' . $icon . $show_count . '</a>'; }
Please give it a try now.
Ravi- Ravi on June 27, 2023 at 2:47 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Buddyblog pay per post improvement/suggestion #49860
Hello Tosin,
I am working on a solution and will update you by tomorrow day end.
Ravi Hello Carsten,
Replace the function ‘mobile_menu_logged_in_likes_button’ with the following one:
function mobile_menu_logged_in_likes_button( $loggedin_id ) { if ( ! $loggedin_id || ! bpuplike_is_tab_available_for_user( $loggedin_id ) ) { return; } $user_link = bp_core_get_user_domain( $loggedin_id ); $like_link = trailingslashit( $user_link . bpuplike_get_tab_slug() ); $count_type = bpuplike_get_option( 'enable_likes_counter', 'all' ); if ( 'unread' === $count_type ) { $count = bpuplike_get_unread_received_likes_count_for_user( $loggedin_id ); } else { // other people liking the user. $count = bpuplike_get_received_likes_count_for_user( $loggedin_id ); } $show_count = ''; if ( $count ) { $show_count = '<span class="bpuplike-like-count">' . $count . '</span>'; } $icon = '<svg xmlns="”" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-heart" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="m8 2.748-.717-.737C5.6.281 2.514.878 1.4 3.053c-.523 1.023-.641 2.5.314 4.385.92 1.815 2.834 3.989 6.286 6.357 3.452-2.368 5.365-4.542 6.286-6.357.955-1.886.838-3.362.314-4.385C13.486.878 10.4.28 8.717 2.01L8 2.748zM8 15C-7.333 4.868 3.279-3.04 7.824 1.143c. 3.12 0 0 1 .176-.17C12.72-3.042 23.333 4.867 8 15z"/> </svg>'; // Replace svg with your svg code. return '<a href="' . esc_url( $like_link ) . '">' . $icon . $show_count . '</a>'; }
Give it a try now.
RaviHello Carsten,
Thank you for the acknowledgement. Please share the SVG code you want to have in this button. I will put in the code and will share it with you.