The visibility problem is restricted to mapping the “member type” selector field to any other delectable fields that i choose works correctly with conditional logic.
I create a selector field: test and test2
I can make a specific field appear only for “test2”
but it is not working with the “member type field the user chooses”
How could I do this with hooks, sorry to disturb you, I’m a layman and I’m looking to learn how to do it, I contacted the wcfm guys and they said I can fill the xprofile fields with hooks, I register on the form from wcfm and automatically fill in the xprofile data.
This would be the code
You have write your code on this hook – do_action (‘wcfm_membership_registration’, $ member_id, $ wcfm_membership_registration_form_data);
Here you will receive all data from Vendor registration form. Now save what you want to save in x-profile.