


  • Participant
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    simon on #41126

    Thank you Brajesh!

  • Participant
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    simon on #40658

    Thank you very much Ravi the code above works =)

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    simon on #40648

    Hi Ravi, question again I was wondering how to hide the members tab per name of the group…

    I’m trying on this code but it does not work on my end.

    add_action( ‘groups_setup_nav’, function () {

    $specialgroup = array(“Test Group”,”Test Group 1″); //or group IDs or group names

    if ( bp_get_group_name($specialgroup)) {

    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( bp_get_current_group_slug(), ‘members’, ‘groups’ );
    } );

    Wondering if you can enlighten or help me with code above? Thank you very much again!

  • Participant
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    simon on #40647

    Thanks Ravi, that worked! I will just hide the group counter because the count does not update.

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    simon on #40635

    Hi Ravi thanks for the reply please check the screenshot

    Somehow, I want to hide the group under secret group type in my profile -> group tab.

    Thank you!

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    simon on #40633

    Hi Ravi thanks for the reply.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by simon. Reason: wrong thread
  • Participant
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    simon on #40600

    Hi Ravi, sorry for the confusion.

    So here is my scenario.

    I have a group type called SECRET is there a way to hide the groups under the group type of secret? Even if the members are already joined the reason to hide these groups are solely for group messaging purposes only.

    Hoping this can help you understand the scenario.

    Thanks in advance

  • Participant
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    simon on #40599

    Hi Ravi, I’m looking to hide the group’s member tab in a specific group. Thank you.

  • Participant
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    simon on #40594

    Thanks for the response Ravi, unfortunately the code won’t work.

    As of now my current setting of this secret group is in privacy hidden with the group type of secret. Also I’m using the buddyboss pro plugin

    Is it possible to hide this secret group from the members, not for super admin and organizers? Sorry for asking too much =(

  • Participant
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    simon on #40593

    Hi follow up on this thread is there a way to hide Members List in specific groups? Thanks.