Im using Buddy Press Group Documents and it is notifying every person of every new document added to the groups.I have found no way to turn it all off.
When a user goes to their profile or any acrtivity page and attemtps to paste a link from any other site (Romming Stone for example) an image and an excerpt show up immediately. But after submitting the activity update by clicking on “Post” the system doesnt always retin the previewed content, sometimes it dissappears and just a link is there.
That caused a crtical error and crashed the site. 🙁
Thank you I knew I could customize the functions php to do it. I was looking for a plugin solution or if there was a checkbvox in one of the budddypress products I already use that weould deactivate it.
Buddy Press activity. Members only have access to Buddy Press anbd bbPress not backend access.
I apologize, under further testing I miust have missind some of the syntax on the first go around. Ity works fine now. Thank you. 🙂