Hello Brakes,
The link you sent worked fine on Chrome. Like you suggested, it’s probably a theme issue. I’ll get in touch with the theme developers to get some answers. Thanks.
The first screenshot is the blank gallery page. The second screenshot shows the grey box that appears instead of the actual albums on the gallery page.Thanks for the help.
Hello Ravi,
Thanks for the help. I noticed the problem only occurs on Chrome on Android. I tried with Mozilla on Chrome and it worked fine.
I have attached a link to screenshots of the issue on Android Chrome. Thanks a lot.
Hey Brajesh,
Who would have thought that was the issue? Awesome support! Thanks a lot for your help.
Hello Brajesh,
I have sent you a private message with the details. The site is live. Thanks again.
Hi Brajesh,
Thanks for your kind help. Followers and BuddyDrive work just fine. I’m just not sure why creating a gallery isn’t working.
I’m using Buddyboss Boss theme. It’s Buddypress specific. Hope this debug info can help:
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- This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
Olumuyiwa Orowale.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
Hi Brajesh,
Thanks for the swift reply! Answers to your questions are:
1. I’m not using any custom codes for Mediapress.
2. Yes the problem occurs from user gallery. (when the user clicks “Create Gallery” the initial url reads something like: https://mysiteurl/buddypress-members-page/username/gallery/mediapress before redirecting to the 404 page. “Gallery” is a page I created for Mediapress)
3. I have video, audio and photo enabled for all usersPlease advise, Thanks again.