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    Vladi on #47202

    I would also think that the problem is in the server or theme or some plugin, but the thing is that, for example through usifai all the files are loaded without errors and through wordpress itself when you add files to the media library everything is also loaded. But there is just some kind of a mystery. If all the mp3 did not download, it would be understandable, but some are loaded, others are not, it’s strange and I can not figure out what it depends, because there must be some reason

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    Vladi on #47199
  • Participant
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    Vladi on #47196

    I can make a screencast, but how to send it.
    That’s the thing, WordPress accepts all files, but MediaPress only accepts some

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    Vladi on #47184

    Thanks, I was still reading the Cerber forums yesterday. And they have this problem a lot, even with themes, as a solution they suggest changing the 404 page, let’s see what happens. What about MP3 files? Why do some files upload while others cause an Http error?

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    Vladi on #47174

    OK, thank you very much.

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    Vladi on #47166

    php version 8.1
    I don’t use multisite, but my website is multilingual
    Yes, I use BaddyPress? version is the latest, just updated yesterday.
    “http error” appears on all pages when loading a file, make it clear that not all mp3’s but only those 7-10 years old, i.e. they were encoded at that time.
    As for php errors logs, I’ve already tried to find earlier, then apparently the server such a log is not maintained, but I can describe the error in full –

    E_ERROR occurred on line 65 of /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-content/plugins/mediapress/core/gallery/mpp-gallery-conditionals.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “MPP_GALLERY_SLUG” in /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-content/plugins/mediapress/core/gallery/mpp-gallery-conditionals.php:65 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-content/plugins/mediapress/core/mpp-hooks.php(250): mpp_is_component_gallery() #1 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): mpp_filter_body_class(Array, Array) #2 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/plugin.php(191): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #3 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/post-template.php(836): apply_filters(‘body_class’, Array, Array) #4 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-includes/post-template.php(595): get_body_class(Array) #5 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-content/themes/buddyx/header. php(27): body_class() #6 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/template.php(770): require_once(‘/var/www/i_aria…’) #7 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-includes/template.php(716): load_template(‘/var/www/i_aria…’, true, Array) #8 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/general-template.php(48): locate_template(Array, true, true, Array) #9 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-content/themes/buddyx/404.php(12): get_header() #10 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-load.php(4658): include(‘/var/www/i_aria…’) #11 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-load.php(2453): cerber_404_page() #12 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria. fun/wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-load.php(2395): cerber_access_control() #13 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): {closure}(”) #14 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #15 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #16 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-settings.php(598): do_action(‘init’) #17 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-config.php(95): require_once(‘/var/www/i_aria… ‘) #18 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/var/www/i_aria…’) #19 /var/www/i_aria_fun_usr/data/www/i-aria.fun/wp-login.php(12): require(‘/var/www/i_aria…’) #20 {main} thrown

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    Vladi on #47164

    Hello, yes I have made some changes, but only in the design area. Fonts, spacing between elements, nothing more. Another critical error on the site is the translation of the plugin, as soon as I sync the created translation, the site immediately crashes. Another problem in uploading audio files, for some reason some mp3 are uploaded normally, but others cause http error. It was not so important as all other formats were uploading normally. But now if you add it all up there is a serious problem.