
55 Responses to BuddyPress Member Types Pro

  • Initial release.

  • – Added support for making users automatically join groups based on member types
    – Added support to assign Paid Memberships Pro Levels based on member type

  • Added four shortcodes for content visibility based on member types. Please see the plugin page for more information.

  • Fix the directory listing of excluded member types.

  • Added support for multiple member types assignment to the user using Multi member type field.

  • Fixes a notice on user lists screen for multi member type listing.

  • Huge update to allow roles to member type mapping. Special features for multisite. Please see the documentation for all the features.

  • Only allow creating member types on the main site in case of multi blog mode.

  • Fix a condition for multisite multi blog mode when the main blog id is not 1. Now the main blog id on a multisite network is considered the source of member types.

  • Let nested shortcodes work inside our conditional shortcodes.

  • Fix the persistent notice in admin.

  • Fix the settings loader path to make it work in case sensitive environment properly.

  • Added compatibility with BP Nouveau template pack.
    Fix notice for listing member types in directory when they are not registered via member types pro.

  • Allow setting default member type while creating/editing profile field.
    Also, updating the field output html to match that of BuddyPress 2.9. If you are using BuddyPress 2.8.x or lower, you will see double notification.

  • * Major change for multisite network active mode on where the member types post type UI will be registered/available(If multiblog mode is enabled, we do it on mail site other wise we use BuddyPress root blog id(defaults to main site if not specified)). If You are noticing any issue, please open a ticket.

    * Add option on the Xprofile field create/edit screen to let site admin decide if they want to link the profile member type data field label to member type directory. By default, it is off.

  • Added support for automatic adding/removing users to Learndash groups based on their member type. Thank you Carmine for sponsoring the development.

    Also, removed the old style member type to WooCommerce Memberships change. Instead, now member types can be changed based on WooCommerce memberships. It makes easier to categorize paying members. Old style option can be enabled if needed. Please visit documentation for help.

  • Fix double description in admin panel field list.

  • Add the Update the settings framework to PT Settings 1.0.2.

  • Add option to synchronize user groups based on member types.

  • Added support for dynamic login redirect, Account activation redirect and default profile tab based on member type. Please see https://buddydev.com/docs/guides/plugins/buddypress-plugins/buddypress-member-types-pro/conditional-login-registration-redirect-buddypress-member-types/

  • Add the login redirect compatibility with Subway plugin.

  • Add support for BP Profile Search 4.8+ Works for both the search modes(is/is one of).

  • Fix the directory listing when member types are excluded.
    Update documentation link to use the updated documentation site.
    Update Single Member Type field to let it be used as condition when using Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress Plugin.

  • Added integration with Ultimate Memberships Pro.
    Added Support for member type based login redirect when using Ghostpool's themes.

    Released on: 11/14/2018

  • Better integration with Ultimate Memberships Pro. Please see the docs for integration with Ultimate Mmeberships pro if you plan to use this integration features.

  • Fix Role assignment issue on registration.

  • Add support for associating hidden groups too with member types. Earlier only public/private groups could be associated.

  • Add support for changing member type when a new role is added(add_user_role action support). Earlier, we only supported changing member type using set_user_role action.

  • Add support for custom default avatars per member type.
    Fix cyclic membership level change with Paid Membership Pro Integration.

  • Added the most demanded feature request. The plugin will allow create conditional registration form( conditional fields) based on member type. No extra plugin required. Please see the docs for details.

  • Do not synchronize member type change to field data & vice versa if the profile field and member types are not related(via profile field settings).

  • Add support for member type based default user profile cover image.

  • Better conditional registration. Support for required fields based on member type too.

  • Added integration with MemberPress. Now, you can control member types based on MemberPress subscriptions.
    Added support for default cover image based on member type. Works with multiple member types by assigning the first default cover image.

  • * Fix multivalued field being not set if the field values were restricted to some member types.
    * Fix multi valued field data being reset on member type removal. Now, it is updated to reflect the state.

  • Sort member types alphabetically.
    Added support for Rehub theme's login/registration redirect.
    Better memberpress support.

  • Fix the bug introduced in 1.3.6 due to use of incorrect sorting algorithm. Use uasort to keep the key association.

  • Added a filter to limit searchable member types in BuddyPress Profile Search plugin.
    Fixed a translation issue.
    Added French translation by Johan.

  • Fix user not being assigned to selected Learndash groups.

  • Add support for the login redirection when using Boombox theme.

  • Added support for redirecting users on their first login to a different location.

  • Added integration with IF Menu plugin. Menu item visibility can be set based on member types.

  • Added support for expiration date while using with Paid Membership Pro

  • Fix Learndash group joining when using Multi member type on registration. It was always synchronizing whether sync was enabled or not. Only affects multip member type field on registration when Learndash group sync is off.

  • Added a filter to enable group join requests for private groups instead of auto joining

  • BuddyPress 7.0 fixes

  • Update admin menu item to differentiate until we merge our admin settings with BuddyPress 7.0+
    Fix compatibility with BuddyPress Ajax Registration plugin for role based member type assignment.

  • Update Indeed Ultimate Membership compatibility.

  • Added filter to disable bp role override.

  • Fixed the fatal error happening when xprofile is disabled

  • Fixes a bug introduced due to BuddyPress API changes where group ids are required to be passed as number and numeric strings are treated as slug instead. It resolves users not getting assigned to the group.

  • Fixes an issue with the 3rd part plugins throwing header already sent notice.

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Added signup field ids support from all groups

  • Added compatibility for deprecated functions
    Fix member type specific URL redirect issue