
Important Upcoming Changes on BuddyDev

Did you notice the recent changes on BuddyDev? I have been working with my team to improve the experience and make BuddyDev more useful for the BuddyPress & WordPress community.

We have created a plan for future and you will find BuddyDev far more useful in future. We will be concentrating on BuddyPress even more with focus on exploring new possibilities with WordPress.

In next 5-10 days, We are entering into the BuddyPress theme market.  Yes, you heard it correctly. If you have used any of the current BuddyPress theme, You will find Community Builder a pleasant surprise. Feature rich, clean & maintainable code, highly efficient and fully customizable. If you are planing to buy a premium BuddyPress theme, I will say just hold the plans for 1 week.

Here are a few important changes coming to BuddyDev:-

  • In next 8 weeks, 4 major plugins & 2 themes coming.
  • Regular posts and post series about BuddyPress/WordPress.
  • Discontinuing Monthly support package for plugins. Only yearly support packages will be available.
  • Monthly BuddyDev membership will be discontinued from June 1st, 2016. Only available membership will be yearly.
  • Themes will not be part of our Monthly membership package. Only yearly package or individual theme purchase will be supported.
  • We are discontinuing all existing themes from BuddyDev (Except BuddyDocs) to prepare for the new.

I am looking forward to a great learning experience and a bright future ahead for BuddyDev and I hope to have you by my side in the journey.


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