
5 Responses to Set default theme for the Newly Created blogs on your WordPress Multisite/BuddyPress Site

  • @sbrajesh I have just downloaded and installed this plug-in, but do not know where to find the site admin/options to choose the default theme as the admin/options is not in WPMU 3.1. anymore.
    The same with BpDev Sitewide Footer Content, but a lot of the documentation about that plug in is 'not found'. Is that because you are upgrading these two plugins to be used with WP 3.1 ?
    I'm using BP 1.2.8 and buddy builder theme by Patrick Cohen. Although I am sure you know this by now Brajesh, sorry for asking so many questions and thanks for reading them (I know you are busy 🙂

  • Hi!
    Download link is not working.

    • Hi Rafel,
      It is working. Please be logged in while downloading and do not use a download manager. It may not work with download manager because it requires authentication to download.