Set default theme for the Newly Created blogs on your WordPress Multisite/BuddyPress Site
So, we are talking about setting a default theme, which gets activated automatically when a user creates a new blog.
There are various ways to do this. I will discuss here two approaches.
Approach 1:
Select a theme you want to get activated by default(Instead of the Default Kubrick theme) and rename the selected theme to "default". That's it. You are done
Wait for your users to create new blogs, and they will have your favorite theme set as default theme.
Approach 2:
ahh!! I don't like editing using FTP, show me other approach.
Well, Here I introduce this simple plugin called BPDev Default Theme for Blogs.
BpDev default Theme for Blogs is a simple plugin which allows site administrators to select a default theme for newly created blogs. This selected theme will be automatically get activated when an existing user create a blog or a new user signs up for a blog and his/her account is activated.
For current Version(For WordPress Multisite 3.1+) &Installation, Please visit the plugin page
For WordPress Mu upto 2.9.2, please continue reading.
- Go to dashboard->Plugins->Add New
- Use Upload(from the top menu) and Upload the plugin
- Activate the plugin Site Wide
That's it.Alternatively you can use ftp to upload the plugin to wp-content/plugins or wp-ciontent/mu-plugins.
If you upload to wp-content/plugin, this plugin must be activated sitewide. If you have uploaded to mu-plugins, you don't have to activate, It is activated automatically site wide.
How to Use
1. Login as Site admin.
2.Go to Site Admin->Options
here you will see something like this
A drop down with all the themes you have allowed for your site.Select the theme you want to use as default theme and Click Update Options.
That's it, you are done.
@sbrajesh I have just downloaded and installed this plug-in, but do not know where to find the site admin/options to choose the default theme as the admin/options is not in WPMU 3.1. anymore.
The same with BpDev Sitewide Footer Content, but a lot of the documentation about that plug in is 'not found'. Is that because you are upgrading these two plugins to be used with WP 3.1 ?
I'm using BP 1.2.8 and buddy builder theme by Patrick Cohen. Although I am sure you know this by now Brajesh, sorry for asking so many questions and thanks for reading them (I know you are busy 🙂
Hi James,
yes these two plugins needs to be updated as the site admin menu has been dropped in favour of Network admin screen. Updating it now.
Please check back in an hour.
Hi James,
Just tested it on WordPress 3.1 multisite and It is working.
Please take a look the documentation section(I have just updated) on How to use it in 3.1
Download link is not working.
Hi Rafel,
It is working. Please be logged in while downloading and do not use a download manager. It may not work with download manager because it requires authentication to download.