

BuddyPress User Contact form adds a contact form to a user’s BuddyPress profile. Other users can use this contact form to mail your members.

For configuring plugin options (limiting the visibility of contact form etc.), Please see the settings guide.

In this guide, we are going to see how the plugin works for users.

Displaying contact form on user profile.

Here is a screenshot of the user contact form. In this page, I am looking at my own profile (User’s looking at their own form can be disabled from admin settings).

Frontend Settings for BuddyPress user contact form

Here is the same form when I am looking at other member’s profile.

Frontend Settings for BuddyPress user contact form

BuddyPress User Contact Form User Settings (If you enable the option to let user select if they want to have a contact form or not, this screen will be visible to the profile owner).

Frontend Settings for BuddyPress user contact form

A user can enable/disable the form on their profile from their settings(Profile->Settings->Contact Form) page. Site admins can turn off this feature from plugin settings.


 Email received from BuddyPress User  Contact form.

Frontend Settings for BuddyPress user contact form


The contents of the email depend on what options you enable in the admin settings.