
25 Responses to Bp Xprofile Custom Field Types

  • Initial release.

  • – Added From/To field type.
    – Added option to show hide months with Birthdate field while showing age
    – Fixed textdomains to the plugin slug.

  • Fixed the admin selection of custom post type

  • Added support for BuddyPress Profile Search plugin.

  • Fix signup validation

  • * Fix the date format for birthdate checking. Now it validates correctly(Earlier only year and month was significant).
    * Fix a validation issue with registration page when birthdate is not selected correctly and min age is required.
    * Improve from/to field display filter.
    * Fix translation for the birthdate field.

  • Update select2 js library to latest stable version(1.0.6)
    Enable select2 on dashboard edit profile page if enabled.
    Fix a notice.

  • Fix a bug with multi post type selector.
    Fix upload issue in dashboard profile update screen. Thank you @laudag.
    Fix the loading of locale file for select2 js.

  • Fixes error caused by non required image/file field types on signup page.

  • Fix the file/image field editing when the field is marked as required.

  • New: Added oEmbed field type. allows using facebook, youtube, vimeo and other urls and embed them in BuddyPress user profile.
    New: Token field type. Define a set of codes and ask your users to enter the codes. Could be used to simulate invite only registration.
    Updated: TOS field type to allow adding more html tags and not filtering the attributes like target etc.
    Fix:- Options loading in admin.
    New:- Add extra label for Age(Birthdate field type). You can use different label for view/edit field name.
    For More, please see our blog.

  • Fixed signup token validation.
    Added German Translations by Thorsten.

  • Include Select2 full script.
    Pass values and other data to xprofile age display data.

  • Added an action to notify file deletion.

  • Updated to avoid registering our script handles on the pages not relavan to us. Fixes select2 conflict for some.

  • Fix script loading on dashboard edit profile page.

  • Fix conflict of bitrhdate settings with date field settings.
    Fix terms checkbox issue in the dashboard.
    Cleanup files/images on user being marked spam or user deletion.
    Added French translations. Props Johan Walter.

  • Fix image/file not getting deleted when a user was deleted or marked spam.
    Fix issue with the default values of from/to field not being shown.
    Add option to select value separator in the from/to field.
    Fix deletion of value of From/To field when using numeric values.
    Prop @johan_walter for the suggestions.

  • Added country field.
    Added option for admins to choose if web links would open in new window/tab.
    Fixed the issue with From/To value deletion. Thank you @johan_walter
    Fixed web field always using http schema instead of the specified one.

  • Added support for BuddyBoss Profile Search

  • Added Tags Field Type(allows adding custom tags by user). Development sponsored by a kind gentleman.

  • Fixed file size error.

  • Added the filter 'bpxcftr_countries_list' to allow customizing countries list via code.

  • Added country field support when used with BP Profile Search plugin.
    Fixed the selected country not showing on edit profile page.

  • Updated compatibility with BP Profile Search plugin for Country field type.