
15 Responses to BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro

  • Initial Release

  • Added support for role based conditions.

  • Added option to support adding global lists on non BuddyPress registration too.

  • Add support for the followers/following lists

  • Added settings to trigger auto friendship on activation, registration, or on the first login

  • Updated priority for first login actions.

  • Added role update as a trigger

  • 1. Added Bulk synchronize list for existing users. Sponsored by Philip
    2. Added option to enable running the friendship creator on member type change/removal.

  • Added BuddyPress Connection Creator tool to allow admins connect two users.
    Added support for group join & leave actions.

  • Ensured that a user should never be allowed to follow themselves.

  • Add support for PHP 8.2
    Update admin framework
    Fix language directory path
    Typecast function returned value

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.

  • Improved admin ui/ux
    Added new plugin action link to easily navigate to auto friendship lists screen
    Added support for BuddyBoss member type field
    Admin notices on relevant screen if necessary component disabled

  • Fix bug while adding group members excluding admins and moderator