
18 Responses to BuddyPress Block Users

  • Initial release.

  • Fixed overriding of excluded user from members directory.Now, cooperates with other plugins removing users.
    Added filter for disabling buttons at various locations.

  • Added support for BuddyPress Better Message plugin

  • Update event delegation to support the blocking action for all themes.

  • Added option to choose where the buttons should appear.

  • Fix group issues.
    showing unblock under settings blocked user screen.

  • Restore settings on reactivation.

  • Fixed various issues with texts not honouring localization.

  • Added support for Restricting the message & Friendship requests while using REST API

  • Fix bug legacy message reply on existing thread

  • Fix legacy issue causing problem with BP Private Message Rate Limiter

  • Better compatibility with some themes as well as BuddyCircle plugin

  • Added REST API support for blocking/unblocking users, checking blocked users as well as blocked user status. Props Nifty for sponsoring the development.

  • Updated the REST endpoint for checking block status to accept the blocked by as well as expected blocked user id. One of the 2 must of logged user id.

  • Added fixes for PHp 8.0+ compatibility

  • Fix model to support PHP 8.2 version
    Fix text domain language directory path

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.