
12 Responses to BuddyPress Friendship Restrictions

  • Initial release.

  • Fix labels.

  • Fix the visibility of button to only apply when sender restrictions are enabled.

  • Fix the message issue on Accept friendship request page.

  • Fixes friendship limit being enforced even when limit was disabled. Now accepting a request will pass if limit is disabled.

  • Complete rewrite of the plugin to support restrictions per role or per member type. This update makes the plugin greatly flexible and suitable for a wide variety of use cases.
    For details, Please see https://buddydev.com/buddypress-friendship-restrictions-reimagined/

  • Fix the issue with allowed friendship count & Throttling not working properly.

  • Fix bug of accept friendship with legacy template pack

  • Fix 403 with extended friendship request

  • Fix noveau nonce failed issue

  • Admin framework update
    Fix plugin language directory path
    Typecast function return type
    Generate plugin language POT file

  • Bumping version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.