
32 Responses to BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator Pro

  • Initial release

  • Tested with BuddyPress 3.2

    Released on: 08/07/2018
    Remove restriction on the allowed tags in tab content.
    Fix a fatal error when group is disabled.
    Add translation support.

  • * Add tab to specific groups.
    * Fix default tab for groups other than public

  • Fix compatibility with plugins/themes adding tabs using BP Group Extension.

  • Include hidden groups in the auto suggestions.

    Released on: 11/27/2018

  • Update the included CMB2 library

  • Fix the top level tab visibility for new tabs.

  • Adding support for properly parsing counts while updating tab label. Counts will be preserved now.

  • Update CMB2 library to fix conflict with Yoast SEO in some cases.

  • Add support for multilingual sites built with WPML.

  • Add better compatibility for BP Nouveau in the sb nav markup.
    Add missing css id in the sub nav items.

  • Added a fix for Hidden groups not appearing after save.
    Added fix for tinyMCE to work even when 3rd party plugin modifies the buttons.

  • Allow using same slug for multiple entries.
    Added slug and label as tab options(It will fallback to entry title and slug if not specified).

  • Added 2 new url tags for group id and logged user id.

  • Added group type support

  • added support for group moderators in tab visibility

  • Fixed issue with BP Nouveau template not honouring re-positioning of the group navs.
    Changed behaviour of group types to use them as the scope. If a group type is selected, the tab settings will apply to groups with that group type only.

  • Fixed:- Default sub tab not being selected on landing page.
    New:- Added filter to enable showing of sub tabs even if there is only one sub tab.

  • Enable the Media buttons in content editor by default. Added a filter to disable it if a fix is needed for 3rd party compatibility.

  • Hide not support default subnav slug field setting

  • Added background for tab contents when used with BuddyBoss platform.

  • Fix the bug limiting number of associated groups in the tab scope option.

  • Added subnav class support as per Nouveau template pack

  • Added the 'None' option in the "Enabled For" section. Using it will remove a tab completely.

  • Added a hook to allow customizations for who can access the tabs management screen in dashboard.

  • Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility issue in the vendor library.

  • Disabled tab filtering my wpml to avoid errors.

  • Added support to exclude groups from showing some of the tabs.

  • Fixes media uploader not opening on Tab Add/Edit screen.

  • Adds support for making BuddyBoss 'subgroups' tab as default.

  • Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0

  • Just bumped version to regenerate archive for WordPress 6.4.3