

If you want to disable MediaPress functionality for certain users/groups etc, you can do that using the filter ‘mpp_is_enabled‘ which you can use like this


It allows you to completely disable the MediaPress functionality if you return false.


$is_active:- boolean, whether MediaPress is enabled for the specified component and component id.

$component:- string,  Component for which the functionality is being tested. It could be ‘members’ for BuddyPress activity/profile, ‘groups’ for BuddyPress groups activity/group Galleries and ‘sitewide’ for sitewide galleries.

$component_id:- based on the component value, It is user_id for the ‘members’, ‘sitewide’ galleries and group_id for groups gallery.

Example:- Disabling BuddyPress profile gallery for subscribers.


If you are looking for fine grained control over the create, upload, edit,delete permissions for gallery and media, please check the mpp-permissions.php(for now, we don’t have documentation here).