How to change the maximum upload file size for PHP
To change the maximum upload file size for PHP, you need to modify two PHP configuration settings: `upload_max_filesize` and `post_max_size`. Here are […]
How to enable or disable the WordPress admin bar while using BuddyPressAre you looking to enable or disable WordPress Admin bar on your BuddyPress site? If yes, you have come to the right place. BuddyPress does not enable the […]
We have been asked about it numerous times in last 3 years, How can a site admin connect two users on a BuddyPress or BuddyBoss network manually? We had no answer as there were no tools available earlier.
Now, […]
Connecting users manually on BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Network
With BuddyPress Auto Friendship pro version 1.1+, you can connect 2 users manually from the admin dashboard. This guide assumes that You have either the […]
BuddyBlog Pro update is here. It is one of the most amazing update for your preferred BuddyPress user blogging plugin. We have been working on your feedback and this release brings some of the most needed […]
The tab settings section allows you to configure user profile tab positions and visibility. You can fine tune the availability and visibility of individual sub tabs from their respective settings section.
Here […]
The BuddyBlog Post form edit page allows you to configure your post form features which will be available to your users.
On the New/Edit Form screen, you will find the following sections:-
Title […]
Thank you for using BuddyBlog Pro. This guide will help you set up your user posting forms and tabs for BuddyPress or BuddyBoss.
To allow your users to post any content, you will need to do the following […]
Thank you for sharing.
I have seen too many people asking for it. Do you want to add a Create Group sub nav under your BuddyPresss Profile Group page? If yes, here goes the code.
* Add Create Group sub nav to User Profile->Groups […]The BuddyPress Profile Tabs Pro plugin adds a wrapper div to the content to allow you easily style it.
We add following css classes to the div. You can use the generic or the specific classes to target contents […]
If you are creating a dating site or something that needs you to filter users list based on current user’s gender, It may not be vary obvious in BuddyPress. Believe me , It is easier than what you might […]
In BuddyPress, there is a requirement that user names(user login) must have atleast 4 characters. It comes from the WPMU days of BuddyPress(WordPress multisite still imposes this limit on user names).
It is […]
I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.
Today, I wanted to introduce our upcoming changes in pricing and membership options at BuddyDev.
From 25th May, 2020, we are introducing 3 plans on BuddyDev […]
I hope you are enjoying creating your […]
With BuddyPress Moderation tools, you can whitelist one or more roles. Contents(activity, comment, posts etc) from users belonging to these roles won’t be reportable.
You can configure whitelisted users from […]
BuddyPress User suspending module allows site admins to suspend user account on their sites. You can apply various restrictions on the suspended account and keep your community nice and clean.
Introduction […]
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