Hi brajesh, There are a lot of nice reaction from my users with your plugin! By the way I got the following user response. May be it’s a sideeffect of the chat-plugin. I can reproduce the error myself once a time with a fresch login and acitivated chat. First of all the error message is: […]
Hi Brajesh, Your Chat – that’s nice. My fellows wait for this- congratulations. I got the folloing error message: May be nothing dramatic – only to give response. cu Helge Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR…[Read more]
Hi Brajesh,
I am very interesting in gallery and image feeds ( main, group, member , single-gallery … ).
Did you plan the gallery feeds in further future? When?
Thanks a lot
HelgeLand Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Brajesh,
is there something new for presenting events in BP?
HelgeLand Kamerun commented on the blog post Introducing Bp-gallery Rc4 for Buddypress: Time to get stable in next week now 🙂 %s
It is done!
Thank you Brajesh!
Now you get points for uploading Galleries!
HelgeLand Kamerun commented on the blog post Introducing Bp-gallery Rc4 for Buddypress: Time to get stable in next week now 🙂 %s
Hi Brajesh,
the producer of “Cubepoints-BP-Integration” asked what else should this give points for?
I would like to have points for uploading GALLERIES.
But he need a link to your plugin. Can you give him the information for…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Introducing Bp-gallery Rc4 for Buddypress: Time to get stable in next week now 🙂 %s
Hi Brajesh,
Great Work (RC4 U1)
Via sidewide gallary widget i’ d like to publish 1 sticky gallery and some latest galleries.
Is there a possibility to change the code / (may be shortcode) to get this work.
It’ s because i’…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Introducing Bp-gallery Rc4 for Buddypress: Time to get stable in next week now 🙂 %s
hi Brajesh,
still loving bp-gallerybut rc4 on wp 2.9.2 and buddypress 1.2.1 run not in the way i expect.
Let me count the things:
1. the gallery listing show this warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Brajesh,
a friend of my social net wrote me this:
I detect in gallery-output 3 dead a-tags (i marked it with ”to many a-tags”) because between start and end is nothing. The tags are empty. May be there is a reason i can’t understand. Please give…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Baresh,
i’ve just updateted bp-gallery to rc2, all went fine, but when i change to gallary view i got this warning:
Warning: Missing argument 8 for BP_Activity_Activity::get_id(), called in…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Brasjesh,
thank you for your great work and the fast answer. It seems to me that my problem depends on internet-connection via mobile access (UMTS/EDGE). May be this is a question of stability. With no interrupts file size doesn’t matter. This c…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hello Brajesh,
sometimes my users describes a problem during the media upload process. I can’t recognize a pattern. Sometimes small pictures (less 100 kb) and sometime larger pictures (> 100 kb) are not uploaded – while the status of the pro…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp-gallery Beta available now, Download test and Enjoy %s
Hi Brajesh,
is it possible that a normal group member uploads a gallery in one of his groups?
Or only the group-admin?
HelgeLand Kamerun commented on the blog post Buddypress Recent Profile Visitors Plugin %s
does it runs with the single WP?
HelgeLand Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Hello Brajesh,
is it right, that a group-member is not allowed to add a group-gallery?
( only the group-admin?)
And for my further question “image-size”:
I can not find, where I can open ( and see ) the small, middle and big images in…Land Kamerun commented on the blog post Bp Gallery: The ultimate photo gallery for your buddypress powered site %s
Hi Brajesh – greetings from Germany.
I am a Buddypress-beginner and so I join Buddydev premium now.
I tested your gallery with my simple Wordpress-Buddypress and it works.
Thank you very much – I like it.
I have some questions:
I…Land Kamerun became a registered member 15 years ago