Note to self, ask how to paste code without losing most of it 🙁
OK, I’m not thinking straightforward. In the form.php file, replace the contents between
!– you can modify these, just make sure to not change the name of the fields —
OK, the code snippet got truncated on posting. argh. If you have a place I can upload it to or if you want to pull it from my FTP, let me know. 😉
Replace the code in the BP Simple Front End Post’s form.php with the code below and you will have your TinyMCE editor. You’ll have to play with your theme’s CSS to make the form the proper […]
I am doing as well as can be expected for a single father with a sailboat he can’t afford to fix and use!! ugh!
I can understand exactly where you are coming from. I wish you and your team good luck and prosperity; good things will come your way, I am sure. I have felt the sting of cutbacks and other financial […]
I went back to 1.7.1 when this happened a few days ago. No plans to update again until a major release. Still working out bugs and issues with current configuration so updating at this time was probably a bad […]
I get the same thing if BP-Gallery or BP-Links are activated when upgrading to BP 1.7.2. I recommend removing the plugin completely at this point via FTP. Then reinstall the plugin. If you want to be cleaner, […]
I get the same thing if BP-Gallery or BP-Links are activated when upgrading to BP 1.7.2. I recommend removing the plugin completely at this point via FTP. Then reinstall the plugin. If you want to be cleaner, […]
I’ve opened a request in the forums for help with an audio player display issue. If you have time can you take a look and help me out? I think Brajesh is quite busy, right now. I’d really appreciate your […]
What ever happened the BP Gallery template for Cosmic Buddy (or Cosmic Buddy Pro)?
I’m using this theme now and I love it! Thank you for all your hard work. I hope this didn’t keep you up at night. 😉