Nicholas Andrews commented on the blog post Updates about BuddyDev themes Plugins and all %s
Now that you are back crack on and no more slacking
Seriously though Brajesh, really pleased you are on the road to recovery. Nothing like a change of location to help release some of that stress.
NickNicholas Andrews commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Good luck with the upgrade, fingers crossed it all goes well.
I know Jeff had/was working on a privacy plugin, but to be honest, that was way too complex for my needs.
Keep up the great work
NickNicholas Andrews commented on the blog post Cosmic Buddy : The free theme to turn your buddypress to orkut style site %s
Would you consider doing a private network version of Cosmic Buddy? Something like a welcome screen requiring login or registration before allowing access to the main theme/site. Obviously any attempt to access any part…Nicholas Andrews commented on the blog post Bp-gallery status and current snapshots %s
I was not expecting an extension to my membership, which I consider a very kind gesture on your part Brajesh.
I am a hobbyist when it comes to Wordpress/Buddypress, and joined your community because i see great potential for the future. I look foreword not only…Nicholas Andrews became a registered member 15 years, 2 months ago