Dont know if you or someone can help me. I am looking to customize my buddpress registration form. I need to add some additional fields to capture more user info profile; like current country, high school attended, professsion…so on and so forth. Is there a plugin- paid or free, that I can use or will i need to get a developer to…[Read more]
Is there a way that I can add a link that says “You must log in to post.” Similarly to how they have it at bbPress. Love this forum. So much better..Thanks!
SAK commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
I copy the following you recommended..
#item-body #subnav{
#item-body #subnav…SAK commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
Any update on the above two questions..?
Thanks much!
-SSAK commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
Another issue I found with the custom login, I noticed that there are two “sign up” links in the buddypress nav bar at the top of my page…You can see it at
This happen when I activated your plugin. Can you pls assist..
Thanks…SAK commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
It worls perfect…you are the best. I am also using your gallery plugin and loving it. However, i think i am having a css clash there also. The gallery menu is taking the same width property of the subnav section of my css. I dont mind taking the menu…SAK wrote on their own wire:
I am a prmium member and no one seems to answer my posts…:( Help!
SAK commented on the blog post Branded Login Plugin for your Buddypress Powered site %s
Hi Brajesh,
I am using the plugin and I love it…However, on my site, the hyperlink Register and Lost your password? seems to inherit the color of my nav menu from my theme..How can I remove the green background? I want it to remain white..
my site is…SAK became a registered member 14 years, 6 months ago
Brajesh, any suggestion? thanks much!