

BuddyPress Lock Unlock Activity

BuddyPress Lock Unlock Activity

BuddyPress Lock Unlock activity plugin allows users to lock/open their activity for commenting. A user can mark any activity as closed and no one will be able to comment on…

BuddyPress Poke

BP Poke plugin allows your users to poke each others just like facebook. If you are a fan of poking, here we have the poking plugin available for you today.…

BuddyPress Signup Avatar

BuddyPress Signup Avatar plugin allows users to upload profile pic/avatar after completing registration on BuddyPress based sites. Screenshots:- After registration completion screen:- Avatar Crop Screen And here is the screenshot…

Blog Avatar

Blog Avatar

Blog Avatar Plugin allows site admins to upload avatars for their blog This plugin currently needs BuddyPress to Work. Features:- Allow Admins to Upload/Crop avatar Automatically filter BuddyPress blog avatars…

BuddyPress Activity Shortcode

BuddyPress Activity Shortcode plugin allows you to embed BuddyPress activities in posts/pages using shortcodes. Here is a sample use example [activity-stream] That will list the most recent 5 activities. Here…

Disable Site Delete

Disable Site Delete

Disable Site plugin is a quick hack for WordPress Multisite Network. The goal of this plugin is:- Allow only Network administrators to delete any site(blog) on a multisite network Do…

BuddyPress Activity Autoloader

BuddyPress Activity Autoloader

BuddyPress Activity Autoloader plugin automatically loads activities when a user reaches at the bottom of the page. It just simulates facebook like infinite activity auto loading of activity with BuddyPress. For…

BuddyPress Group Activities Notifier

BuddyPress Group Activities Notifier

BuddyPress Group Activities Notifier plugin notifies group members of any new activities in his/her group on BuddyPress based Social Networks. It is based on simple idea to add a local notification…

BuddyPress Confirm Actions

BP Confirm Actions plugin is a tiny plugin which helps you to make your social network more usable. The BP Confirm Actions plugin does  following:- Ask for confirmation when cancel…



BuddyBlog is a BuddyPress plugin that allows users to create/manage their blog/posts from their profile. BuddyBlog allows easy front-end blogging with BuddyPress. Basic Functionality:- Creating New Post Editing existing Post…

BP Searchable Activity

This plugin allows you to make your activity stream searchable. It will add another filter in the BuddyPress search form to select for activity.