

MediaPress Featured Content

MediaPress featured content plugin allows your users to show their featured galleries of featured photos (video, audio, etc.) on their BuddyPress profile. A group admin can also set featured media …

MediaPress Set Profile Cover

MediaPress Set Profile Cover

MediaPress Set Profile Cover is a free MediaPress and BuddyPress plugin that allows users to use any of the MediaPress photos as their profile cover. With this plugin, a user…

MediaPress set Profile Photo

MediaPress set Profile Photo

MediaPress set profile photo is a free MediaPress and BuddyPress plugin that allows users to use any of the MediaPress photos as their profile photo. With this plugin, a user…

MediaPress Media Rating

MediaPress Media Rating

MediaPress Media Rating plugin allows users to rate media and list the top-rated media on a site using MediaPress. If BuddyPress is active, It uses local notifications to notify the…