Recently Updated Blogs Widget for WordPress Multisite
Again, we are back with another plugin/widget to enhance your WordPress Multisite.
The widget "BPDev Recently Updated Blogs" widgets allows site owners to show the most recently updated blogs on the wpmu blog network.
You can customize the title of the widget and the number of blogs you want to show. Further, for the current version, you can either show the blog description or hide it.
and here is the output
1. Use The ftp to upload bpdev-recently-updated-blogs to wp-content/plugins
2. Activate it in dashboard->Plugins->Installed
3. Go to Appearance->Widgets and Drag "Recently Updated Blogs" to the widget area you want.
4. Rename the title and set the other options if you want
5. Go and check the site . It should be able to show the list of recently updated blogs
If you have any question or any trouble, please drop a line here in comments or in our support forum.
I will be glad to help 🙂
Hi Brajesh,
I have this plugin installed. Is there anyway to access the stream of recent posts in an RSS feed?
Hi Mark,
For the recent posts feed, the best option available is
Hope that helps.
Ps:- sorry for my delayed reply. Was moving and slightly unorganized.
Hey Brajesh, is there a way to blog one of my blogs from showing up in the widget?
Hi Mark,
here the the modified code for the function "bpdev_show_recent_updated_blogs"
Please replace the above code with the function's code in bpdev-recently-updated-blogs.php from line 38-60 of the file.
You will ned to change $my_blog_id to the blog id you want to hide.
Hope that helps.
Works perfectly, thanks a lot Brajesh.
How do I do this for more than 1 blog? eg 2 separate ids?
Thanks a lot
Hi Mark,
I have updated the code.
Please take a look here
You will just need to change 2 lines in the earlier code.
Hey Brajesh,
I changed the file and put the 2 blogs I wanted excluding in like this:
However, blog 304 is still coming through, any ideas?
Any ideas? Bump.
Hi Brajesh, is there a way to embed this in a page. eg in my homepage it will have show the latest post and the first 100 words or so?
Hi Mark,
No it is not meant for showing posts. Instead you can use sitewide posts widget(comes with buddypress) to show the recent sitewide posts.
Thanks Brajesh, I'll look into it. Any idea if its possible to get widgets into pages like that?
New site looks ossumm by the way.